We kick off the “500” 28-day Kettlebell Challenge this coming Monday, and the first week of workouts go out tomorrow night. Will you be joining us? Details and sign up here ==>> https://bit.ly/500kbchallenge
Today’s kettlebell challenge workout combines the high-rep, “chipper” style, where we’re using more basic level kettlebell and bodyweight movements, allowing you to keep moving with limited rest… with the EMOM format, where the workout is paced out by doing a specific number of reps at the beginning of each minute.
Beginners can do one round, totalling 250 reps and taking about 18 minutes… intermediate/advanced folks can do two rounds, totalling 500 reps and taking about 36 minutes!
Let’s get it:
250/500 Rep EMOM KB Challenge
Set your timer for 60 second intervals. At the beginning of each 60 second interval, start your set. Your rest period is from the time that it takes you to complete your set, until the next 60 second interval starts. The full workout should end up taking you 18 minutes (one round) or 36 minutes (two rounds):
Minute 1 – 20 two hand KB swings
Minute 2 – 20 two hand KB swings
Minute 3 – 10 two hand KB swings
Minute 4 – 20 push ups
Minute 5 – 20 push ups
Minute 6 – 10 push ups
Minute 7 – 10 walking lunges (per leg)
Minute 8 – 10 walking lunges (per leg)
Minute 9 – 5 walking lunges (per leg)
Minute 10 – 10 one arm KB rows (per side)
Minute 11 – 10 one arm KB rows (per side)
Minute 12 – 5 one arm KB rows (per side)
Minute 13 – 10 burpees
Minute 14 – 10 burpees
Minute 15 – 10 burpees
Minute 16 – 10 burpees
Minute 17 – 10 burpees
Minute 18 – 10 burpees
Repeat for 1-2 rounds, for a total of 250-500 reps!
There are seemingly endless at-home workout routines floating around right now. But what most of these tricks and routines LACK is:
- They are NOT designed with the 40+ crowd and their unique considerations in mind
- They are more “one-off” – type workouts to try, instead of being actual structured routines
- There is nothing to keep you motivated and accountable to actually DO it
That’s why we came up with the 28-day “500” Kettlebell Challenge.
In this unique new program, I am going to take you by the hand, and help you keep and gain strength, lose weight, and stay fit.
You’re going to do it with special 500-rep kettlebell workouts that will test you physically and mentally, but also go easy on your body and joints, and help you with specifics like:
- Strengthening your bones
- Gain strength
- Gain cardiovascular strength
- Improve skin elasticity
- Improve core strength
- Reduce back pain
…and MUCH more…
And all you need is a couple of kettlebells, and about 20 minutes per day.
Here’s how it works ==>> https://bit.ly/500kbchallenge
But we kick off the “500” 28-day Kettlebell Challenge this coming Monday, and the first week of workouts go out tomorrow night… so if you want in, sign up now!
To your continued success –
-Forest Vance
Certified Personal Trainer
Kettlebell Expert
Master of Science, Human Movement