Kettlebell EMOM Finisher

Just finished with our groups this morning at FVT. We did this Kettlebell EMOM Finisher at the end of one of the workouts. It was really challenging, but people loved it. So thought I would do a quick video and share, so that you can try it too!

I go through one round of the workout in real time in today’s video:

– 5 KB presses per side

– 10 goblet squats

– 10 KB rows per side

– 20 squat jumps

But for the full workout, you’ll want to do three rounds.

And remember – EMOM stands for “every minute on the minute”. So you’ll set your timer for one minute intervals. At the beginning of each minute, do the prescribed amount of reps for each exercise. Your rest starts when you finish the work, and goes until the next minute interval starts.


– Forest Vance

PS – Almost forgot – our registration for our new 28-day Kettlebell EMOM Challenge 2.0 opens tomorrow! Stay tuned ?

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