This is one of my absolute FAVORITE KB/BW full body circuits.
It takes about 15 minutes to do, and works every muscle in your body:
KB Challenge Workout #26 – Pull Up, TGU, Swing, Cardio Giant Circuit
from the “55” Kettlebell Challenge
1 – Start by doing pull ups. Go to two reps short of failure.
(This means, for example, if you can do seven reps on one all-out set, you should be doing four or five. If you can do more than ten pull ups, hang a KB from your foot to add some resistance and get into that 10-ish rep range.)
If you can’t do pull ups yet, do inverted rows instead.
2 – Now do a single TGU (Turkish get up) on each side.
Pick a weight that challenges you, but one that allows you to keep good form.
3 – Do 20 Swings. Your choice of two hand, single hand or hand-to-hand.
4 – Finish the circuit with 60 seconds of high-intensity cardio. (Sprints, jumping rope, etc.)
Repeat that circuit 3-5 times with no rest between individual exercises and about one minute of rest between circuits.
Really, you could do that workout three or four times per week, and make some solid progress.
But I also get it – you want VARIETY, to mix it up, to keep things interesting.
That’s why I’ve created this “55” Kettlebell Challenge:
=> the “55” Kettlebell Challenge
There are a total of 55 different workouts like the one I shared with you today… and the Challenge is to start with the first one, and “run the gauntlet”, doing one KB workout per day, every day, for 55 days!
It’s NOT going to be easy.
But the results you see will be worth it!
Will you take the “55” Kettlebell Challenge?
Sign up now at the link below:
=> the “55” Kettlebell Challenge
And look forward to working with you on this!
-Forest Vance