You want serious workouts, that get serious results!
But you’re working around challenges that are unique to the age 40+ trainee: pain / injuries, a busy life with less and less time available to work out, even progressively decreasing motivation…
Not to mention, things are a little crazy right now! Gyms are closed in many parts of the country / world, and your daily life and routine is likely quite different than it was six months ago.
So I have a short and simple message for you today. I want you to check out these daily 17-minute kettlebell workouts:
Daily 17-min KB Workouts – Designed Specifically for Men and Women 40+
Because if you’re still reading, they are designed SPECIFICALLY for you!
And it’s one of the best ways I can help you reach your goals.
Thanks for reading, hope this helps, and have a great day –
-Forest Vance, KettlebellBasics.net