In part 1 of this Kettlebell “Versus” Series, I posed this question:
Who would you rather look and/or perform like – Jason Statham, or the Rock?
And we talked about how, if you want “functional fitness” and lean muscle, you’d want to model your training after someone like Statham.
Today, we’re going to talk about talk how if you want to get straight up JACKED… if you want brute strength and raw power and an intimidating presence to go with it… how you can train like the Rock.
For maximum muscle size, there are a few specific things you want to focus on:
1 – Up the Volume
Training VOLUME – total number of reps x total number of sets – is a BIG factor if you want to gain size.
Short, 20-30 minute workouts WILL help you get lean and functional and fit – but they will NOT help you gain max muscle.
Looking at one sample Rock training session, he splits up his bodyparts, and focuses on training one or two each day. Here is a sample leg workout I found (you’d also want to have separate days for back, chest, shoulders, arms, etc):
Run on Treadmill – 30-50 minutes
Eat Breakfast
Barbell Walking Lunge – 4 sets, 25 reps
Leg Press – 4 sets, 25 reps
Leg Extensions – 3 sets, 20 reps
Barbell Squat – 4 sets, 12 reps
Hack Squat – 4 sets, 12 reps
Single Leg Hack Squat – 4 sets, 12 reps
Romanian Deadlift – 4 sets, 10 reps
Seated Leg Curl – 3 sets, 20 reps
Thigh Abductor – 4 sets, 12 reps
2 – Moderate Rep Range
If you’re going for all-out SIZE, you want to stick in what we’d call a “moderate” rep range – 8-12 – most of the time. Substantial evidence argues that this is the best way to build muscle mass. It increases hormone response, spares protein, and provides the necessary time under tension to spark muscle damage. You’re actually going to stay AWAY from low rep / very heavy (5 reps or less), most of the time. Counter-intuitive, I know, but true. Training for strength and training for mass are actually two different things.
3 – Keep Rest Periods Short
When the training goal is muscular hypertrophy, the combination of moderate-intensity sets with short rest intervals of 30-60 seconds might be most effective due to greater acute levels of growth hormone during such workouts.
Again – this is NOT the approach you take when training for maximal strength… but it works for building mass.
See this research paper for more: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19691365
So there you have a few keys to training for maximum strength and size!
Is this a realistic routine for most?
Not really 🙂
The time and energy and available equipment etc etc this takes can be tough, especially if you’re managing other priorities in your life.
And we didn’t even get into the nutrition side, but that is also a HUGE factor too.
The great news is, if your goals are more along the lines of “functional fitness” and lean muscle, you absolutely CAN reach your goals in just a few 20-30 minute kettlebell-based workouts per week.
Like we do in our upcoming 500 KB Challenge.
Details on that here:
=>> 500 KB Challenge
Hope this “kettlebell versus” serious was both informative, and entertaining 🙂
If you have ideas for more athlete or celebrity training styles you’d like me to break down, let me know!
And whatever your goals, here’s to your continued success –
-Forest Vance
Kettlebell Expert