Check out this video from my friend Jonathan Haas. He goes through his entire daily mobility routine. This is a daily practice that will only reward you more and more with each passing year. Implement this first thing tomorrow morning, and feel amazing all day long!
And if you like it, be sure to check out Jonathan’s full “Shadow Strength” course.
It is primarily for men and women in their 40s and above who are noticing their strength and flexibility decreasing as they get older.
The techniques revealed in this program are also designed to help you get stronger without doing exercises that put your body under a lot of stress:
=> “Shadow Strength” – 17 Min Strength / Mobility Workout Program
There is no weight-training involved.
There’s no cardio or circuit training either.
In other words, it’s perfect if you’re noticing you can no longer recover from intense workouts like you could when you were younger.
Plus, it’s also a great program for helping to reduce the number of injuries you pick up.
More info at the link below:
=> “Shadow Strength” – 17 Min Strength / Mobility Workout Program
And here’s to your success! –
– Forest Vance
Master of Science, Human Movement
Certified Corrective Exercise Specialist