Since the we put KETTLEBELL GAINZ on sale a couple of days ago, I have gotten several emails asking for a sample workout from the program.
So, by popular demand, I will share one with you today.
KEEP IN MIND – the workout below is taken out of the full 6 week program, so it’s not going to be nearly as effective, done on its own, as a one-off training session.
I’ve also left out:
– The daily mobility / movement flow routine
– The off – day HIIT workouts
– The dynamic warm up, done before the main workout
– The proper way to progress your workouts over the 6 week program
– Coaching videos explaining how to do each exercise
– Weight recommendations for each exercise, for both men and women
… and a few other things as well. I am doing this in fairness to all who make the commitment to the full 6 week program …
BUT – this sample workout should give you a great idea of what you’re getting yourself into!
Kettlebell GAINZ – Week 1, Workout A
1 – Goblet Squat / Pull Up Superset
Start by doing 8 goblet squats. (M suggested weight = 44 to 70 pounds; W
suggested weight 26 to 44 pounds)
Follow the KB squats with 1 pull up.
Do 10 goblet squats.
Do 2 pull ups.
Do 12 goblet squats.
Do 3 pull ups.
*If pull ups too EASY – do 2 / 4 / 6 reps instead
*If pull ups too HARD – do 8 / 10 / 12 reps instead on the inverted row
After completing the ladder, rest about :60 and repeat.
2 – Renegade Rows (M suggested weight 35 to 54 pounds; W suggested
weight 26 to 35 pounds)
Perform 4 sets of 10 reps (5 per side); resting about 45-60 seconds
between sets.
*If only 1 KB – perform in push up position w off hand on the ground, and
“shuffle” back and forth and switch reps every time
3 – Snatches (M suggested weight 44 to 53 pounds; women suggested
weight 26 to 35 pounds)
Do 50 total, switching hands every 5-10 reps. Time yourself and do all 50
reps as fast as you can. EMPASIZE GREAT FORM AND SAFETY. As your
conditioning level / proficiency with the movement improves, strive to
improve your time
Ready to get started?
Kettlebell GAINZ is on sale this week – but the sale ends in a few short days:
Have an awesome day, train hard, talk soon! –
– Forest Vance
Master of Science, Human Movement
Certifed Kettlebell Instructor