Have you gotten your workout in yet today?
If not, no excuses! Grab your KB, and run through this short, sharp fat-blasting circuit:
Kettlebell Challenge Workout #1: “The Machine”
Complete as many rounds as possible of the circuit below in 20 minutes:
50 jumping jacks
10 one-arm kettlebell swings (right side)
10 burpees
10 one-arm kettlebell swings (left side)
If you’re just getting started with KBs, women should go with an 8k/18 pound ‘bell for this one, men a 16k/35 pound.
If you’re more advanced, feel free to up the weight!
You can also feel free to “scale down” the jumping jacks and burpees to some sort of more low-impact version, OR “scale them up” by doing power jacks, two-push up burpees, etc etc.
Take the next step to your kettlebell fitness goals with 19+ more workouts like this one, organized into a full 40-day program.
More details coming later this week.
Stay tuned!
-Forest Vance, Kettlebell Expert, Over 40 Training Specialist, KettlebellBasics.net