“Means to End” 4-Minute KB Tabata Finisher
I always tell my clients that they should be a *little* scared of their kettlebell workouts sometimes. A *little* nervous.
If you’re always in your comfort zone, you’re never pushing yourself – and that’s what gets the results!
That’s why Tabata Training with kettlebells is so great. It’s a method that is based around hard work, and it’s not for the faint of heart… but if you can hang with it, I think you’ll be shocked at gains you can make, in a relatively short period of time.
Try this to get an idea:
“Means to End” 4-Minute KB Tabata Finisher
— Set your timer for 20 seconds of work / 10 seconds of rest
— On the first 20 second work interval, do as many KB squat cleans as you can (recommended weight = 24-32k for men / 16-24k for women)
— Rest for 10 seconds
— On the second 20 second work interval, do as many cross body mountain climbers as you can
— Rest for 10 seconds
— Repeat three more times for a total of four sets each of both swings and burpees
#Imagine the kind of results you’d get if you did a workout like this every day for the next 28-days. Then click the link below to make it happen:Join the 28-day KB Tabata Challenge – kicks off TODAY, Monday, June 7th -> https://forestvance.lpages.co/kb-tabata-challenge
Look forward to working with you!
– Forest Vance
Kettlebell Expert
Over 40 Training Specialist