“Crunches and sit ups are back for your back! Plank instead.”
…says every personal trainer at your gym.
But here’s the thing they are missing:
Your abs are muscles. They grow when they are exposed to resistance exercise. If you can develop the muscles of the abs, you can see them easier. A point often not talked about, but a point that is also very true!
This means that though planks should be PART of your ab training, they shouldn’t be ALL of it.
Planks are what is known as an ISOMETRIC movement – and they aren’t going to cause much actual hypertrophy (muscle growth). They are great for activation and strength and core endurance and other stuff. But you also need to do a variety of OTHER types of ab moves too for complete development.
Kettlebells are one of the BEST ways to train your abs, because you can do moves where you add heavy resistance for relatively low reps, and you can cause the muscle growth and development you are looking for.
Check out my upcoming 28-day Kettlebells for Abs Challenge to learn exactly how to get a stronger core, improve your posture, and finally get that six-pack – in just 28 days:
-> 28-day Kettlebells for Abs Challenge

And here’s to your ab training success!
-Forest Vance