KB QnA: Heavy vs Light for Getting Lean

Heavier weights for lower reps are best if you are trying to get lean!

Maintaining your strength and muscle mass as you shed fat should be a top priority. The best way to do this in your training is to stick with heavier weights for lower rep ranges.

The other hugely important component of getting lean is your diet. Different workouts, more cardio, etc. does have a SMALL impact on fat loss – but not nearly as much as your diet does. So the main focus of your training should be to maintain muscle and strength, while at the same time getting into a consistent calorie deficit with your diet.

Lighter weights for higher reps DOES have a place in your training, it’s probably just not best used when you are focusing on getting lean. For example, you can do a “deload” phase where you take a couple / few weeks every couple / few months, lighten up your loads, bump up your rep ranges, and give your body a break.

To sum up, if you are trying to lean down, heavier weights for lower rep ranges are the way to go. This way you can maintain or even build muscle while you shed the fat and get into peak physical condition!

Train hard, talk soon –

– Forest Vance Master of Science, Human Movement – Kettlebell Expert – Over 40 Training Specialist

PS – My unique kettlebell methods are creating new success stories every month. Get lean and strong in half the time, without the gym… and learn the secrets of pain-free training in the process. Learn more and sign up for my upcoming 28-day Kettlebell Metcon Challenge at the link below:-> https://bit.ly/28daykbmetcon

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