Happy Holidays!
Here is a fun kettlebell workout you can do to celebrate.
-Forest and the FVT Team at KettlebellBasics.net
12 Days of Christmas Kettlebell Workout
OPTIONAL – play / sign along to “12 days of Christmas” (Twisted Sister version) while you do the workout
NOTE – Workout is done “accumulation” style:
1 squat jump
1 squat jump
2 push ups
1 squat jump
2 push ups
3 kettlebell lunges
1 squat jump
2 push ups
3 kettlebell lunges
4 side plank lifts (per side)
5 jumping jacks
6 kettlebell swings
7 spider climbs
8 kettlebell side lunges
9 one arm kettlebell rows (per side)
10 high knees
11 kettlebell single leg deadlifts
12 burpees