Are you looking to drop weight in 2022?
Here’s a simple tip:
Choose one goal per week.
This is EXACTLY what we’re going to focus on – starting week 1! – in our “12 in 12” Kettlebell Transformation program that will help you lose up to 12 percent of your bodyweight in 12 weeks. (Click here for details and to apply now -> https://forestvance.lpages.co/12-in-12-kettlebell-transformation/)
See, if you tackle everything all at once, it’s easy to get overwhelmed.
But if you focus one goal goal per week, you’ll set yourself up for greater success.
For example, one week, you could make it a goal to get 150 minutes of activity.
The next week, you could make it a goal to cut back on added sugars.
Over time, when we start putting these habits together in a specific, strategic way, we see BIG TIME results, that last!
If you are interested in joining our “12 in 12” Transformation program that will help you lose up to 12 percent of your bodyweight in 12 weeks, we start January 4th. Click here for details and to apply now -> https://forestvance.lpages.co/12-in-12-kettlebell-transformation/
Here’s to making 2022 your fittest year yet!
– Forest and the FVT Team