Want to get those abs into shape for summer? Kettlebells are one of the best ways to do it.
Try this sample workout from my Kettlebells for Abs program. It’s called “Legends” for two reasons:
1 – We incorporate “legendary” kettlebell and bodyweight moves like Turkish get ups, planks, and hollow holds
2 – Do workouts like this regularly, and you’ll be well on your way to that “legendary” set of abs sooner than you think!
Kettlebells for Abs – Sample Workout: “Legends”
Complete each exercise for 40 seconds, take 20 seconds of rest between moves. Take 60 seconds rest between rounds. Complete 4 rounds total:
1 – Half Turkish Get Up -Stay on 1 side each round (Women:12k+, Men: 20k+)
2 – Rotating Side Plank
3 – Hollow Hold With Overhead KB (Women:12k+, Men: 20k+)
4 – Plank w/Reach Out
*Video exercise descriptions / breakdowns are available in the full Kettlebells for Abs program
Kettlebells are one of the best tools around for both strengthening abs AND burning belly fat, all at the same time.
My Kettlebells for Abs program is new and updated for 2022, and it can be done as a stand-alone workout, OR added on to your existing training plan.
Stay tuned, it’s going on sale later this week!
– Forest Vance
Master of Science, Human Movement
Kettlebell Expert
Over 40 Training Specialist