Kettlebells are OUT OF THIS WORLD when it comes to achieving lean muscle, shedding fat, and total body conditioning! ?
However, they will only take you so far when it comes to building maximum strength and muscle.
“Hybrid Kettlebell Muscle” is a full six week program that uses a combination of barbells, kettlebells, and bodyweight exercises, and it’s what I recommend for people who are ready to take their GAINZ to the next level.
Here’s a sample workout from the program:
Week 4, Workout B: Hybrid Kettlebell Muscle
1 – Deadlift – 3-4 sets of 5 @ 80% of one rep max
– 1 warm up set + 3 work sets total.
– Work up in weight each set.
– Rest 2-3 minutes between sets.
– Ex – your goal DL max for the end of the program is 300 pounds. Your goal is to WORK UP to an all-out set on set #4 of 240 pounds (80% of 300). You might go – 135×5; 185×5; 225×5; 240×5.
– Refer to “Strength Standards” PDF to set lifting goal (included in full program)
2 – Do 4 rounds of the following kettlebell complex PER SIDE. NO rest between movements; go thru the WHOLE SEQUENCE on one side before switching. Rest approx. 30 seconds between rounds.
Recommended weights = 8k/26lb to 12k/26lb – women, 16k/35lb to 20k/44lb – men.
– 5 1 arm KB swing
– 5 KB high pull
– 5 KB snatch
– 5 KB front squat
– 5 KB push press
– 5 burpees
That’s just a sample – you’ll want to get the full program to see how it all fits together, and how to properly progress each workout over the six weeks. More info and order now at the link below:
– Forest Vance
Master of Science, Human Movement
Certified Kettlebell Instructor
Certified Barbell Instructor
Owner, FVT Boot Camp and Personal Training
Owner, FVT Publishing and Consulting