KettlebellBasics is having a Black Friday sale!

Apparently, the term “Black Friday” started because people would call out of work on the day after Thanksgiving to have a 4-day weekend.

In the mid-1970s, retailers started to use the term to describe the busiest shopping and traffic day of the year.

These days, Black Friday is when people crowd into stores in search of the best sale prices.

Luckily for you, the KettlebellBasics Black Friday sale is 100% online, so you won’t have to deal with any crowds!

=> KettlebellBasics Black Friday sale

At the page linked above, you’ll find:

– Kettlebells for Abs at 47% off  – Double your core strength, fix your posture and FINALLY get a six-pack
– Kettlebell-Bodyweight Strength Training at 47% off – Discover the “3/7” method for 75% more gains in half the time
– Lifetime Kettlebell Fitness at 47% off – Improve your ability to do what you love, eliminate the pain of getting older, and feel up to 20 years younger
– Bodyweight Beast Building at 47% off – 6 week bodyweight-based workout plan for strength and conditioning
– My best-selling training plans, one year of 28-day KB Challenges, and a physical copy of my CORE Kettlebell book at an EXTREME discount

…plus many more!… with big savings on them all.

Set yourself up for kettlebell success in 2023!

But the sale is going this weekend ONLY, so be sure to pop over and grab the programs you want now:

=> KettlebellBasics Black Friday sale

Have a great holiday weekend, and happy training!

-Forest Vance
Master of Science, Human Movement
Certified Kettlebell Instructor
Over 40 Specialist

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