The 28 Day “Drop a Size” KB Challenge 3.0 is a program designed to help you drop a clothes size over the next 28 days, while gaining lean muscle and reducing pain / avoiding injury in the process.
The first workout in this program is a full-body, “chipper-style” circuit. Chippers are typically some kind of monumental, grinder of a workout where a series of movements are all linked together, one after another. The idea is to push the metabolic condition and mental limits, all in one session.
Thing is, the concept comes from the CrossFit world. And so, these workouts typically require a full barbell set up, a rig to do pull ups and dips, a GHD machine, and more.
What about us average Joes and Janes that want to experience the results of this unique workout style, but do it at home, with just a kettlebell or two and our own bodyweight?
I’ve come up with a solution.
We have adapted these great workouts, and use many of the same principles, but make it so that you can do them at home with a couple of Kettlebells and your own bodyweight, in 20 or 30 minutes, three or four times per week.
And these workouts are especially friendly if you are over the age of 40, 50, or above… because we take care to get you a great workout, and help you increase muscle, reduce body fat, increase stamina and flexibility and improve my overall health… while also choosing movements that are easy on your joints and friendly to work around with injuries etc etc.
Try the workout below, then sign up for the Challenge here:
–>> 28 Day “Drop a Size” KB Challenge 3.0
-Forest and the FVT Team
28 Day “Drop a Size” KB Challenge 3.0 – Sample Workout #1
You will perform all the reps of each exercise before moving on to the next exercise. Rest as needed to maintain proper form. Record your time to track your progress. Post your time in the group as well!
1 – 1-Arm KB Rack Squat – 30 (15 each) (Women:16k+, Men: 24k+)
2 – 1-Arm KB Overhead Press – 30 (15 each) (Women:12k+, Men: 16k+)
3 – 1-Arm KB Snatch – 30 (15 each) (Women:12k+, Men: 16k+)
4 – KB Plank Drag – 30 (15 each) (Women:12k+, Men: 16k+)
5 – KB 1-Arm Row – 30 (15 each) (Women:12k+, Men: 16k+)
6 – Jumping Jacks – 30 (Modify by taking the jump out)
7 – KB Romanian Deadlift – 30 (15 each) (Women:16k+, Men: 24k+)
8 – Burpees – 30 (Modify by elevating your hands)
9 – KB Halo – 30 (15 each direction)(Women:12k+, Men: 16k+)
10 – KB 2-Hand Swing – 30 (Women:16k+, Men: 24k+)
FINISHER – Complete 3 rounds of the following two moves. Take 10 seconds rest between moves, no rest between rounds.
1 – High Knees – 30 seconds (Modify with High Knee March)
2 – Wall Sit – 30 seconds