Free Sample 20-min REGENERATE Flexibility / Mobility / Recovery Workout

Free Sample 20-min REGENERATE Flexibility / Mobility / Recovery Workout

PART 1 – Set your timer for 7 minutes. Start with one Turkish get up on the right side with no weight. Do one Turkish get up on the left side with no weight. Do another rep on the right side with a light weight. Do another rep on the left side with a light weight. Do another rep on the right side with a heavier weight. Do another rep on the left side with a heavier weight. Keep doing reps with the heaviest weight, alternating sides on each rep, until the 7 minutes is up.

PART 2 – Do as many T push ups as you can in 30 seconds. Rest for 15 seconds. Do as many KB rows as you can in 30 seconds on the right side. Rest for 15 seconds. Do as many KB rows as you can in 30 seconds on the left side. Rest for 15 seconds. Repeat the entire sequence three more times for a total of four rounds.

PART 3 – Abs / conditioning circuit – do as many reps as you can of each move in 45 seconds; rest for 15 seconds between moves; rest for 60 second between rounds; do 3 rounds total (depending on time):

Single arm Kettlebell swings (22.5 secs per side)

X-Body Mountain Climber – burpees

Side Plank for hip mobility / activation – (bottom knee down / lift top leg) 

KB goblet Pulse squat


I wanted to share something with you that could really help you – the 28-day REGENERATE Challenge.

I’ve worked on my flexibility and mobility for years and it’s been a total game-changer for my daily life. I used to wake up feeling like I’d been hit by a truck but now I feel great and ready to go. Movements that used to be hard like burpees are now much easier and my posture has improved too.

That’s why I’m excited to introduce this challenge. It’s all about reducing pain, moving better and recovering faster with just 3 x 20 minute sessions a week.

Here’s the breakdown:

— Weekly Workout Plan: Easy to follow exercises to keep things interesting and track your progress.

— Mobility and Flexibility Tests: Test yourself at the beginning and end of the challenge

— Live Walk-Thru Videos: Clear instructions to make sure you’re doing each exercise correctly.

— Supportive Community: Stay motivated with our private group where you can share progress and ask questions.

— FREE Bonuses: 33 Kettlebell Challenge Workouts, Sport Yoga Series 2.0, Mobility/Flexibility Workshop Cheat Sheets, Kettlebell Isometrics 2.0

I’ve made it simple and easy to follow to improve your flexibility and overall health. Starts Monday July 29th. Click below for details:

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If you want to feel great and move better this challenge might be for you.

— Forest Vance
MS Human Movement

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