NFL Leg Day Bodyweight Circuit (free sample workout)

You might or might not know this about me, but I played in the NFL back in the mid-2000s. I had short stints with both the Packers and the Chiefs, and let me tell you-it was an eye-opening experience in more ways than one!

Here’s the thing: growing up, I was always one of the strongest guys on my football teams. I set records in the weight room in high school and college, so when I got to the NFL, I assumed everyone was going to be superhuman-freakishly strong.

The reality? Sure, there were freak athletes, but what really surprised me was how much emphasis the pros placed on injury prevention. The guys weren’t maxing out their lifts in the offseason or risking tweaks and tears. Instead, there was a huge focus on flexibility, mobility, recovery, and—believe it or not—bodyweight conditioning.

This was a huge paradigm shift for me. These players did not get where they were by ego-lifting. They trained smarter, not harder, using tools like bodyweight circuits to build endurance while keeping their joints safe and explosive.

Today, I am sharing with you a simple bodyweight lower body conditioning workout that a strength and conditioning coach in Green Bay would actually put us through on a regular rotation. You can do this circuit with just your body weight, or if you’re feeling extra spicy, throw on a weight vest. If you are an athlete, a former athlete, or somebody who wants to move better, feel stronger, and stay injury-free, this will be great.

NFL Leg Day Bodyweight Circuit (free sample workout) – in the style of Bodyweight Beast Building

Here’s how it works: Perform these exercises in circuit fashion with little to no rest between movements. At the end, rest for 1-2 minutes, then repeat for 4-5 rounds.

You can do this circuit with just your bodyweight or add a weight vest in for an added challenge:

  • Bodyweight Squats -20 reps
  • Lunges – 10 reps per leg
  • Step-ups-10 reps per leg, using a sturdy chair, box, or step
  • Squat jumps-10 reps.

That’s easy on paper, but trust me, your legs will be burning come round two. It’s that perfect mix of strength and conditioning that builds functional lower body power without overloading your joints.

If you’re reading this, you probably are not playing in the NFL at the moment. But you are likely the person who loves being active-maybe played sports in your life or just want to stay strong and not get injured-then this kind of training is gold. It improves strength, adds to better mobility, and can make a person just feel great in and out of the gym.

Speaking of training, I’ve got a couple of programs that are perfect for building total-body strength and athleticism:

— Bodyweight Beast Training Course
— Operation Pull-Up: Go from 0 to 20 Pull-Ups

Both programs are on a special two-for-one sale right now—but it’s ending. If you’ve been thinking about leveling up your training, this is your chance. Hit the link below and grab them before the sale wraps up:

–>> Bodyweight Beast Building + Operation Pull Up 2-for-1

Alright, that’s it for today. Give the workout a try, let me know how it goes, and get those programs if you want a killer plan to complement your current training routine!

-Forest and the Team @ —

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