Last week on a rest/variety day in my personal workout program, I took Dan John’s recommendation from Enter the Kettlebell and ‘invented a workout’ – I sort of just ‘free flowed’ and rotated through different kettlebell moves for 10 minutes, taking as little rest as possible between exercises.
It turned out, somewhat by chance, to be a great cardio session. I actually ended up using the workout during one of my kettlebell boot camp classes this week, and the group loved it!
So, I shot a quick video of the workout for you – here’s how to perform my ’10 minute kettlebell Swing and Snatch cardio workout’:
To recap:
- You’ll need three different sized kettlebells to do this one; one for two-hand Swings, one for one hand and hand-to-hand Swings, and one for Snatches.
- Start by performing 10 two hand Kettlebell Swings with your heaviest weight.
- Move to the middle weight. Perform five one hand Kettlebell Swings on each side with this weight followed by 10 total hand-to hand kettlebell Swings with this same weight.
- Finish the circuit by performing five Snatches on each side with the lightest weight.
- Rest about 10-15 seconds, then start back with the two hand Swings.
- Repeat this sequence with as little rest as possible continuously for 10 minutes.
That’s it for this workout – simple, fast and effective. Kettlebell work can be fantastic for getting your ‘cardio’ in a non-traditional way – and this workout is the perfect example! Give this one a go, and I’d love to hear what you think in the comment section below –
Train hard and train smart!
P.S. For a complete guide to the Kettlebell Swing – one that’ll teach you all the ins and outs of the movement and take you from a kettlebell ‘Newb’ to Ninja Swing Master with a 12 week Swing program – check out my Kettlebell Basics Swing Manual! Learn more about it by clicking the image below: