A little less than 9 years ago, my football career came to an end. Half of my life up to that point – over 10 years – had been invested in being the best I could be at my sport. I played all four years of high school, five years in college and two in and out of the NFL.
So it was quite the transition. And going from working out hours per day with a very specific purpose, to NO directed workouts at all, and no real purpose to train for … real quick I was out of shape.
One day, I saw this picture of myself:

And decided enough was enough. I set out to train six days per week, plan my meals religiously and get to my “fighting” weight of 246 (at the end of the summer after my senior year of high school I was weighing in at 246, and that’s when I had been in the best shape of my life, up to that point).
So I started on the plan. Things went very well at first, if I remember correctly, the first 10 or 20 pounds came off very fast – within the first month or so.
But pretty soon, the weight loss started to slow down. I hit a plateau for a few good weeks, and it was very frustrating.
At this point I was training by myself. All my strength workouts, all my cardio sessions – I was doing them alone.
I realized that I had trained in a team environment, been around like-minded people working towards a common goal for more than 10 years. And I realized that that’s what I needed again to kick-start my progress again.
So what I did at the time was 1) take two or three spin classes per week at the gym I was working at, and 2) lifted with the guys I worked with at the gym two or three times per week.
That snapped the plateau. In fact, it took me all the way to my goal weight in about 7 months. And I KNOW that getting around other like-minded people was the #1 factor that helped me really reach my ultimate goals (and maintain them until now, I might add):

So, if YOU are struggling, if you’re at a plateau … if you feel like your workouts and your nutrition is pretty good, and you can’t really figure out why you’re not making progress … this could be the missing factor for you.
And, the exact type of support you need is individual to you. Maybe it’s a spin class. Maybe it’s a training partner. Maybe it’s a boot camp in your town (if you’re in the Sacramento, CA area, I invite you to come in for a training session at our gym!)
I have just put the finishing touches on a new project that I think will also be a great solution for a lot of folks. It’s called the FVT Inner Circle.
=> FVT Inner Circle (new and improved)
I am going to put together a new body weight and kettlebell – based workout every month for FVT Inner Circle members (the first one is already up). The workout will include a written manual, as well as video coaching.
I also am giving the official FVT Meal Plan away for free to all members – to make sure all nutritional bases are covered.
So you’ll have everything you need, you’ll know exactly WHAT to do to reach your fitness goals.
But then, as you go through your workout, as you need motivation, coaching, if you have questions for me personally, whatever – you can post them in the group forum, and we’ll be there to help you along the way.
If you have questions about exercise technique – I got you. If you want to post a video of you doing an exercise to make sure your form is on point – you can do that. If you just are feeling lazy and need some motivation to work out that day, post as well – and the group will be there to get you on the right track!
=> FVT Inner Circle (new and improved)
I’m very excited about this new project, and hope you’ll join us, and at least check it out. But the moral of the story is, wherever you’re at, get some help and don’t go at it alone. Find the best solution for YOU, whatever it is. And see your results blast through the roof!!!
– Forest Vance, MS, RKC II