It’s my birthday today, and we are headed out to lunch shortly, so I’m going to make this message quick π
First, I wanted to hook you up with a sample deadlift workout I posted up on the blog – I mentioned in the deadlift article / video I posted the other day that I would show you HOW to incorporate the deadlift into your workouts – as in, how to mix it, as well as other barbell lifts, with your kettlebell and bodyweight exercise …
So here’s a sample workout from my Barbell / Kettlebell Hybrid Training program (on sale now as part of the Complete FVT Hybrid Barbell Training System) … this looks somewhat simple on paper, but trust me, it’s POWERFUL for helping you get strong … AND lose body fat … all at the same time:
Barbell / Kettlebell Hybrid Training Workout A
from the Complete FVT Hybrid Barbell Training System
1 β Three sets, eight reps, as much rest as needed between sets, of:
β Barbell deadlift
β One arm KB press (8 each side)
2 β Three sets, eight reps, rest about 30 seconds between sets, of:
β Alternating reverse lunges
Try to increase weight each set, as you can keeping perfect form etc.
3 β Three sets each, resting AS LITTLE AS POSSIBLE of:
β 15 two hand KB swings
β 5 burpees
Second, I wanted to remind you that the price for the RKC we are hosting this Sept at FVT is going up tomorrow. This is going to be an AWESOME event, and I am very excited to be hosting the first one EVER in Sacramento at our facility!
You can read more about the event and find a link to register here.
Third, if you are a fit pro, I wanted to give you the heads up about something I’m doing this week over on FVTBiz.com – if you are facing some challenges in getting your business to where you want it to be, this will be SUPER helpful for you – don’t miss it!
=> Let’s Talk …
Okay, that’s it for now. Have a great day, and talk to you soon –
– Forest Vance