We had our Grand Opening for our new studio location yesterday:
To kick off the day, our city district rep came out with the ribbon and the giant sissors, and we did a ribbon cutting to mark the official opening of the studio!
Then, we had healthy snacks, drinks, a raffle, as well as 15 minute “mini” KB / BW boot camp workouts on the hour, every hour, from 9am to 12pm.
Since you missed being there in person, I wanted to share what the workout looked like – so that you can get it in, as an extra fat-burning session this weekend:
FVT Grand Opening 15 Min ‘Mini’ KB / BW Boot Camp Workout
– perform as many reps as you can of each exercise in 30 seconds
– rest for 15 seconds between exercises
– do the exercises one after another, in circuit fashion
– rest for 60 seconds at the end of each round
– do 3 rounds total
The key with this workout – to make it challenging for different ability levlels – is getting each person to modify the movements to make them the right level of intensity for THEM and THEIR fitness level.
For example, we can vary the height of the box step ups for different folks, as well as have them add weight to make it more challenging if needed.
The push ups can be done with the hands elevated, from the knees, or from the toes.
The squats can be done with NO weight, or with different KB weights.
The rows can be done from different angles.
The burpees can be modified to make harder or easier for each individual.
THIS is how you take what probably looks like a “basic” workout, and make it challenging and great for ALL folks, no matter where they are at with their fitness level.
If you happen to be in the Sacramento area, we invite you to come out for a workout at our facility!
If not, the next best thing we have going is the Ultimate Kettlebell Results package:
=> Ultimate Kettlebell RESULTS – complete 16 week KB / BW / BB program from FVT
Thanks, have a great Sunday, enjoy the rest of your weekend, and talk soon –
– Forest Vance
Owner, FVT Boot Camp and Personal Training