Rod writes:
“I squeeze my workouts in before work at 5am and they need to take around 15mins. I have been doing short sharp Kettlebell workouts for a while now and they work. I did your 16 min KB challenge workout you sent out not long ago. It was great and just the type of workout I need.”
Awesome Rod!
Thanks for the feedback.
We had a lot of other folks too in the recent survey we ran asking for the same thing.
So we are doing our best to keep the workouts like this coming!
Try this one on for size:
15 min single KB blast
USE A HEAVY BELL (20/24k women; 28/32k men)
– 12 two hand swings
– Alternating reverse lunges (no KB – bodyweight only) – 8 per side
– Clean OR cheat curl ‘bell to shoulder + rack carry, ~50yds per side
– 12 recline rows OR 8 1 arm KB rows per side
– 5 double burpees
DO 3 (beginner) to 5 (advanced) rounds for time
Enjoy đ
And let’s make it a great week!
– Forest Vance
Master of Science, Human Movement
Certified Kettlebell Instructor
PS – LOTS more workouts like these in the new-and-improved KETTLEBELL GAINZ 2.0, on sale this week: