10-min “Summer Shred” KB AMRAP Workout

Exciting news:

Registration opens tomorrow for our 28-day “Summer Shred” Kettlebell AMRAP Challenge!

You will discover how to lose up to 4% of your bodyweight over the next four weeks, even if you are short on time to train, and hate to diet.

I’ll be giving you the step-by-step kettlebell workouts AND the easy-to-follow meal plan to get the results. More details coming tomorrow.

For now, check out this sample workout from the program:


10-min “Summer Shred” KB AMRAP Workout

Do as many rounds as possible in 10 minutes of:

  • 3 burpees
  • 5 pull ups OR 15 recline rows OR combo (use same 3:1 ratio)
  • 5 single arm KB “thruster” (squat to overhead press) per side


That’s just a quick-hitting workout to get you going. The full workouts in the program have a total-body warm up, a couple of short “AMRAP” (as many rounds as possible) – style sequences like this, a short finisher.

Around 20 to 30 minutes of work, and you’re good to go for the day! That’s the beauty of this training style.

You can do it with just a couple of kettlebells, any time, any place.

Plus, I will give you the exact diet plan to follow to see your body change over the next 28 days.

But we kick of Monday, July 5th, so if you’re interested, you’ll want to sign up right away when registration opens.

Look forward to working with you!

-Forest Vance
Kettlebell Expert
Over 40 Training Specialist

Are high-rep kettlebell swings an exercise to avoid?

In today’s article and video, I will make the case for limiting your HardStyle kettlebell swings sets to 15 or 20 reps. Two of the main things that are trained in the kettlebell swing exercise are hip extension and the ability to absorb force. When we do more than 15 or 20 reps swings at a time without stopping, these two things get much harder to do, and we lose some of the effectiveness of the exercise.

Sprinting, jumping, other athletic activities – these all require explosive hip extension. Kettlebell swings are a great way to train this movement pattern. When we get over that 15 or 20 rep mark however, fatigue typically sets in, and most people cannot to get proper explosive hip extension.

Kettlebell swings also teach a person how to absorb force safely and efficiently. KB’s are great for things like contact sports for this exact reason. There are not a lot of other movements that can replicate this. When we get over that 15 or 20 rep mark however, fatigue typically sets in, and most people cannot use proper body mechanics.

To sum up, I believe that in most cases, a person should limit their HardStyle kettlebell swings sets to 15 or 20 reps. This is because most people get fatigued at the higher rep ranges, cannot maintain proper form, and the exercise becomes less effective.

– Forest Vance Master of Science, Human Movement

Kettlebell Expert

Over 40 Training Specialist


250-Rep “Ab Torture” Challenge

Want strong, eye-popping abs? Try this 250-Rep “Ab Torture” Challenge workout:

250-Rep “Ab Torture” Challenge

–Side bridge 30 reps with 10 second hold

–Ab wheel 75 reps

–Weighted leg raises 100 reps

–Plank on ball with feet elevated 2 X failure

–Weighted v-ups 75 reps

See descriptions / full video breakdowns using the link to the full program here -> “Ab Torture Challenge”

-Forest and the FVT Team

How to see your abs sooner (progress pic)

Do you want to be able to see your abs sooner?

If you are trying to get a six-pack, or just a lean and flat midsection, here is a simple trick:

Build up your abs.

See, most people focus on their diet. And I 100% agree that nutrition IS very, very key when it comes to losing the gut.

However, building up the core muscles will definitely help you get that flat stomach and/or see your abs SOONER.

A top fitness model put it this way:

“I focused on building up my abs. One of the best parts about building up your ab muscles is that they are visible through a higher body fat percentage. If you’re a guy and have strong abs, you’ll see them at 12-13% body fat; if you’re a woman with strong abs, you can see them at 14-16% body fat.

If your abs are small and weak and you’re a woman, you won’t be able to see them until your body fat is below 12%. A guy with weak ab muscles can’t hope to see his abs until his body fat is at 10% or below.”

If you want to get a six-pack sooner (so you can end your diet weeks or even months ahead of schedule), then use this to get strong, eye-popping abs:

-> the “Ab Torture” Challenge

-Forest Vance

PS – When I “retired” from pro football in 2005, I lost about 70 pounds. Since then, I’ve hovered around the same weight (240-250). I’ve always been a big, strong dude, but never very lean. So at the beginning of this year, I decided to make fat loss a focus, and to see if I could improve the body comp!

Check out my latest progress pic below. (YES – these two particular shots are a few years apart, lol – but this gives you an idea of where I was back in my football days vs now.) Pic on the left is around 310, probably low-to-mid 20’s bodyfat range, pic on right right is around 235, probably around 12-13% bodyfat.

Main reason I’m sharing this is because I’ve used some of the techniques in this “Ab Torture” Challenge program, and I think they have worked, particularly to flatten and tone the midsection!

-> Check out the “Ab Torture” Challenge here

5-Minute “Crunchless Abs” Workout

Looking to get in some extra ab work?

Try this 5-minute “crunchless abs” workout!

Do as many reps as you can of each exercise for 30 seconds. Rest for 15 seconds between moves. Do 2 rounds total:

  • Walk-Out; do a push up with each rep for added challenge
  • Side Plank with Hip Lift
  • V sit / add rotation on round 2

Watch the video that shows you how to do this workout HERE

Check out the full 60-day “Crunchless Core” course HERE to learn how to sculpt six-pack abs and an iron core without screwing up your spine

To your continued success!

-Forest Vance
Kettlebell Expert
Over 40 Training Specialist

Burpee/Squat/Swing Kettlebell Ladder Workout

*Enter to win a FREE 35 Lb “Pain and Gain” Kettlebell – this week only, enter on my Instagram page here -> https://www.instagram.com/p/CQHb9PqBxI7

*I am accepting applications for ”KB Fit Over 40″ Personalized Coaching this week, but only have a couple of spots left! Details and apply to work with me here -> https://forestvance.wufoo.com/forms/zy21rnn1nl6kk0/


Here’s what to do:

1 burpee
2 kettlebell squats
3 kettlebell swings

Then, go back to the top and ‘climb the ladder’!

Meaning you’ll do:

2 burpees
4 kettlebell squats
6 kettlebell swings


3 burpees
6 kettlebell squats
9 kettlebell swings

And continue in this fashion until you get to 10 burpees, 20 kettlebell squats, and 30 kettlebell swings. Complete the workout as fast as possible!


*Enter to win a FREE 35 Lb “Pain and Gain” Kettlebell – this week only, enter on my Instagram page here -> https://www.instagram.com/p/CQHb9PqBxI7

*I am accepting applications for ”KB Fit Over 40″ Personalized Coaching this week, but only have a couple of spots left! Details and apply to work with me here -> https://forestvance.wufoo.com/forms/zy21rnn1nl6kk0/

NEW VIDEO – Kettlebell ARMageddon 2.0

The functional fitness police are going to be ALL up in my business for this one.

See, one thing that’s often missing in kettlebell workouts is direct arm work.

People say that curls and tricep extensions aren’t “fuctional”, that they won’t help you be a better athlete.

And that’s fair, I probably agree!

However, I’ve still yet to meet a guy that wouldn’t mind adding at least a little more size and / or definition to his arms.

So grab a couple of KBs and a towel, and do this one with me at the end of your next KB workout. You’ll be feeling great about that sleeveless shirt in no time:


Kettlebell ARMageddon 2.0

kettlebell towel curl – 10 reps
close grip push ups – 10 reps
KB halo + tricep extension – 10 reps

4 rounds for time



I am opening up a handful of spots in my personalized at-home KB workouts program this week:

=> Personalized at-home KB workouts

If you:

— Are bored from run-of-the-mill home workouts
— Want something that is customized specifically for you, and your unique needs and goals
— Are ready to commit, go all-in, and get some serious results out of your training

This could be the perfect fit!

But I only have a handful of spots open, so please submit your application ASAP at the link below:

=> Personalized at-home KB workouts

Look forward to hearing from you –

– Forest Vance
Kettlebell Expert
Over 40 Training Specialist

How To Avoid The “Kettlebell Sore Wrist Syndrome”

*”KB Fit Over 40″ Personalized Coaching with Forest is LIVE! Extremely limited space for this one, and it will fill quickly. Details and apply to work with me here:

-> “KB Fit over 40” Personalized Coaching with Forest

How To Avoid The “Kettlebell Sore Wrist Syndrome”

If you’ve just started using kettlebells, you have probably already experienced the sore wrist syndrome. It’s very common with people just learning to use kettlebells in their workouts, but it is completely avoidable. The key to avoiding sore wrists during and after your workouts is to take the time to learn proper technique from the start, and also to be disciplined about the intensity and vigor of your workouts while you’re still learning. Following these tips will help you avoid soreness in your wrists and forearms as you learn to use kettlebells.

Start slow and gradually increase the intensity of your workouts

It’s tempting to take your new equipment and dive right in at full speed. But anytime you’re learning to use something new, it’s important to slow way down and focus on proper technique and gradual increases. When you’re learning new exercises, focus on going slowly through the proper range of motion and get comfortable with exactly what the exercise is first. Don’t jump right in and do 100 reps of something you just learned. Focusing on a few slow reps of a new exercise will still help you build muscle and will help you avoid the pain and soreness from overuse.

Focus on perfecting the technique

Cleans, Snatches and Presses all exert a lot of force on your wrists, which is what leads to the pain, soreness and bruising. Whenever you’re working on learning one of these techniques, practice the motion slowly and carefully until you’re comfortable with it. Then gradually increase the speed.

Your hand and forearm should be moving to meet the ‘bell, not the other way around

When you’re doing a Snatch properly, the kettlebell should float in the air for a split second and then you bring your hand quickly to meet it. This lessens the impact that your wrist has to absorb.

Cleans work the same way, your focus is on bringing your hand to the kettlebell instead of letting it wrap around and fall down on your arm.

Relax your grip on the kettlebell a bit

You want to hold the ‘bell with a firm grip when you’re doing the Clean and the Snatch, but don’t squeeze it tightly. A firm grip lets you control the motion of the kettlebell, but also allows some flex in your wrist instead of trying to dead stop all the momentum. Relax and loosen up your grip slightly and focus on making sure you have control of the kettlebell as it moves.

Whenever you’re learning new exercises, a little pain and soreness is part of the price that we all pay. But focusing on proper form and technique will minimize this pain and let us maximize the time we spend doing the exercises properly. So take it slow and give yourself time to learn things properly and then train hard!

-Forest Vance
Kettlebell Expert
Over 40 Training Specialist

PS – “KB Fit Over 40” Personalized Coaching with Forest is LIVE! Extremely limited space for this one, and it will fill quickly. Details and apply to work with me here:

-> “KB Fit over 40” Personalized Coaching with Forest

9 Minute Kettlebell Rack Carry – Push Up – Sprint Finisher

We kicked off our summer 2021 “Training Camp” workout series here in Sacramento, CA last weekend.

We are meeting at a park about a mile away from our personal training studio, giving our peeps a *tiny* taste of what football players do to get ready for the season.

It is SO much fun!!

Sprints are part of the workouts, which are one of the most intense conditioning exercises, and can cause significant fat loss. Pair sprints with kettlebells, and you have a fat loss cocktail to burn more calories than last time.

I wanted to give you a little sample workout to do on your own, in case you can’t make it out with us in person. Give this one a go:


9 Minute Kettlebell Rack Carry – Push Up – Sprint Finisher

:30 KB rack carry right
:15 rest
:30 KB rack carry left
:15 rest
:30 push ups
:15 rest
:30 sprint

Repeat 3 rounds for time


If you liked this workout, I recommend you also check out the course at the link below. It will show you how you can incorporate a full sprinting routine on top of your kettlebell workouts for maximum fat loss results (in just 16 extra minutes per week):

-> “Anabolic Running”

…and here’s to getting lean for the summer!

– Forest Vance @ KettlebellBasics.net

PS – Got a new video up for you to check out on YouTube! It’s a sample from our current 28-day kettlebell “Tabata” Challenge. It’s too late to join this one, but it should give you a great idea for the future -> https://youtu.be/swaVBi13wX0

“Means to End” 4-Minute KB Tabata Finisher

“Means to End” 4-Minute KB Tabata Finisher

I always tell my clients that they should be a *little* scared of their kettlebell workouts sometimes. A *little* nervous.

If you’re always in your comfort zone, you’re never pushing yourself – and that’s what gets the results!

That’s why Tabata Training with kettlebells is so great. It’s a method that is based around hard work, and it’s not for the faint of heart… but if you can hang with it, I think you’ll be shocked at gains you can make, in a relatively short period of time.

Try this to get an idea:

“Means to End” 4-Minute KB Tabata Finisher

— Set your timer for 20 seconds of work / 10 seconds of rest
— On the first 20 second work interval, do as many KB squat cleans as you can (recommended weight = 24-32k for men / 16-24k for women)
— Rest for 10 seconds
— On the second 20 second work interval, do as many cross body mountain climbers as you can
— Rest for 10 seconds
— Repeat three more times for a total of four sets each of both swings and burpees

#Imagine the kind of results you’d get if you did a workout like this every day for the next 28-days. Then click the link below to make it happen:Join the 28-day KB Tabata Challenge – kicks off TODAY, Monday, June 7th -> https://forestvance.lpages.co/kb-tabata-challenge

Look forward to working with you!

– Forest Vance
Kettlebell Expert
Over 40 Training Specialist