KB-PHA Complex Workout

One of the key things in PHA (peripheral heart action) training is that it focuses on alternating upper and lower body exercises with minimal to no rest between moves. This forces blood to quickly circulate through the body, increasing caloric expendature, and is also theorized to decrease body fat and increase lean muscle mass.

Just so happens, kettlebells are the perfect tool for the job!

Check out this sample KB-PHA Complex Workout from our upcoming 28-day Challenge, then go sign up here -> https://forestvance.lpages.co/28-day-kb-pha-challenge-v3/

KB-PHA Complex Workout

Get as many rounds as you can of the circuit below in 15 (beginner) to 20 (advanced) minutes:
— 8 Double KB Rack Squats (if only one KB, do single KB rack squats and do 4 per side)
— 6 KB Renegade Rows per side (if only one KB, elevate hand on box / bench / etc… also be sure to include a push up after each row rep!)
— 8 KB Goblet Lunges per side
— 8 Burpees


Try this sample KB-PHA Complex Workout from our upcoming 28-day Challenge, then go sign up here -> https://forestvance.lpages.co/28-day-kb-pha-challenge-v3/

-Forest and the FVT Team


KB-BW MRT Circuit

Do 4 rounds for time:

– 10 push ups

-7 1-arm KB squat to press per side

– 8 1-arm KB swing per side

– 12 KB overhead tricep extension

– 15 cross body mountain climbers

If you liked this, you’ll LOVE our upcoming 28-day KB Challenge – you’ll get stronger, leaner, faster than ever! Details and sign up here now:

-> https://forestvance.lpages.co/28-day-kb-pha-challenge-v3/

17 Minute Kettlebell PHA (peripheral heart action training) – Sample Workout

Today’s kettlebell-based PHA (peripheral heart action training) workout strategically combines cardio and resistance training to give you a complete, full-body workout in about 17 minutes. PHA training focuses on alternating upper and lower body exercises with minimal to no rest between moves. This forces blood to quickly circulate through the body, increasing caloric expendature, and is also theorized to decrease body fat and increase lean muscle mass (see link below for the study.)


17 Minute Kettlebell PHA (peripheral heart action training) – Sample Workout

Do as many reps as you can of each exercise in 40 seconds. Rest for 20 seconds between moves. Rest for 60 seconds between rounds. Do 3 rounds total:

1 – Single Arm KB Swing (20 seconds per side)
2 – Plank-to-Push Up
3 – KB Tactical Lunge (alternate legs each rep)
4 – Single Arm KB Row (20 seconds per side)
5 – Up-Downs


Kettlebell PHA (peripheral heart action training) gives you more “bang for your back”, helping you combine cardiovascular work with resistance training, burn more fat, gain more muscle, all in less time. It’s the perfect fit for men and women over 40 who want to look, feel, and train like an athlete with kettlebells!

If you liked this workout, stay tuned – registration for the 28-Day Kettlebell PHA Challenge opens tomorrow, Tuesday, July 27th.

-Forest Vance
Master of Science, Human Movement
Kettlebell Expert
Over 40 Training Specailist

PHA STUDY – Gettman LR, Ayres JJ, Pollock ML, Durstine JC, and Grantham, W. Physiologic effects on adult men of circuit training and jogging. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 1979;60:115-20.

Kettlebells for Abs – “Annihilation”

If you’re regularly training with kettlebells, you may think that you do not need to directly train your abs, because many KB exercises are heavily dependent on core strength.

I used to think this too!

But then I realized something:

I need to train my abs hard BECAUSE they are heavily involved in most kettlebell training.

And guess what? Once I did, the weights I was using in my workouts went up, PLUS my midsection got visibly more defined.

Here’s a quick ab-focused KB workout you can try:


Kettlebells for Abs – “Annihilation”

Get as many rounds as possible in 5 minutes of:

– 5 KB deadlift – squat thrusts

– 10 tall kneeling KB halos (5 each way)

Watch the video here -> https://youtu.be/9HN_UtwOeXQ

If you enjoyed this workout, you can get a full week of my “300” KB Challenge program for free (for a limited time) here: https://bit.ly/300kbchallengesample

Keep training hard! –

-Forest Vance and the FVT Team @ KettlebellBasics.net

“Advanced Home Abdominal Workout” – Day 1 – Workout A – Triset #3

MYTH: “Functional training – with implements like kettlebells! – provides all the core training you need!”

FACT: Building a strong, functional, good-looking midsection requires dedicated ab/core training.

I’ll admit it – I used to believe doing things like KB squats and swings was all I needed to build the strong and aesthetic abs. While this might *technically* be true, and I’m sure we all know some genetic outlier who does no ab training, eats fast food regularly, and still has a six-pack… these people are the exception to the rule.

Regular people like you and me who want strong, tight abs can GREATLY benefit from regularly adding workouts like this to their routines:


“Advanced Home Abdominal Workout” – Day 1 – Workout A – Triset #3

-> Get 12 more weeks of advanced ab workouts to add to your kettlebell training here <-

1 – Spiderman Pushups – 8 reps per side

*No rest*

2 – Stability Ball 1-Leg Jackknife – 6 reps per side

*No rest*

3 – Stability Ball Rollout – 10 reps

Rest 1 minute; repeat 1 more time for a total of 2 “trisets”


If you liked this ab workout, Get 12 more weeks of advanced ab workouts here – these are perfect for adding on to your current kettlebell training program!

Here’s to getting that six-pack you’ve always wanted –

-Forest Vance, Kettlebell Expert, Over 40 Training Specialist, KettlebellBasics.net

The “120” Abs Challenge

Here is a KILLER 120-rep “abs challenge” you can add to the end of your KB workout today!

Give it a try, then check out a full 12 weeks of abs workouts like this one for just 7 bucks at the link below:

-> NEW 12-week abs Challenge

The “120” Abs Challenge

1 – Stability Ball Jackknife – 20 reps

*No rest*

2 – X-Body Mountain Climber – 10 reps per side

*No rest*

3 – Side Plank Leg Raise – 10 reps per side

Rest 1 minute; repeat 1 more time for a total of 2 “trisets”


Give this “120” Abs Challenge workout a try, then check out a full 12 weeks of abs workouts like this one for just 7 bucks at the link below:

-> NEW 12-week abs Challenge

To your continued success!-

-Forest Vance, Kettlebell Expert, Over 40 Training Specialist, KettlebellBasics.net

7 Minute Flexibility – Stretching Sequence

I just finished off a short flexibility session this morning to start my day. This is something that I do almost every morning. I started the routine eight or nine years ago, and it has made a TREMENDOUS difference in improving recovery, mobility, conditioning, and overall athleticism.

If you are looking for similar benefits, and you aren’t currently doing a routine like this, I suggest you work something like this into your training as well!

Here is the short series from today, if you want to give it a try. I held each of these poses for about 45 seconds each:

– Low lunge

– Wide leg stretch / straddle

– Lying spinal twist

– Couch stretch

– Standing legs-apart stretch

– Seated spinal twist

If you want some additional help, advice, or instruction incorporating this sort of thing into your routine, check out my full REGENERATE – Simple Recovery for Lifters and Athletes program here:


It’s on sale for a couple more days.

To your continued success!

-Forest Vance – Master of Science, Human Movement – Certified Corrective Exercise Specialist – Certified Sport Yoga Instructor

Bodyweight Countdown Ladder

Back in my pro football days, bodyweight conditioning work was a staple of our training.

We’d do sprints, burpees, bear crawls, you name it.

After a summer of doing these kind of workouts daily, you’d be in lean, mean, AND in awesome overall shape going into training camp.

If you want to add some bodyweight conditioning to your kettlebell workouts so that you can get the same kind of results, today’s “countdown ladder” workout is a great place to start!


Bodyweight Countdown Ladder

:50 walking lunges

:10 rest

:40 dead bugs

:10 rest

:30 push ups

:10 rest

:20 bodyweight squats

:10 rest

:10 burpees

Repeat for two rounds total!

? 7 day flexibility / mobility challenge ?️‍♂️

I have a 7 day flexibility / mobility challenge you can try, starting tomorrow.

Challenge yourself to do the simple 10 to 12 minute stretch and core sequences outlined in the program available on the page linked below every day this week:

=> 7 day flexibility / mobility challenge

And notice how you begin to:

– Improve movement
– Feel less aches and pains
– Reduce stress
– Reduce muscle soreness
– Revive and rejuvenate the body
– Improve your overall desire to move more

In just 7 days.

If you decide to give it a try, I think you’ll be surprised at the results.

Let me know how it goes, okay?

And make it a great week! –

– Forest Vance
Master of Science, Human Movement
Certified Corrective Exercise Specialist
Creator, REGENERATE – Simple Recovery for Lifters and Athletes

5-min KB Mobility/Flexibility Routine

I learned this 5-min KB Mobility/Flexibility Routine at the first RKC certification I attended in 2009 from Pavel, and I’ve used it as as staple of my kettlebell training since.

You can do this any time to help you loosen up, or you can do it before your next kettlebell workout to help get yourself ready to go!

It’s just three moves:

1 – “Prying” Squats

Get your KB into goblet position. Take a big breath. Sit into a full squat. When you’re at the bottom of the squat, “anchor” your elbows inside your knees, and “pry” back and forth. Do this for about 30 seconds.

2 – “Pumps”

Start kneeling on the ground in your “table” position with your hands underneath your shoulders and your knees below your hips. Pop your hips up into a downward dog – type position. “Walk the dog” by alternating dropping your right and left heels to the floor. Then, drop your hips to the floor and get into an upward dog – type position. You can rotate your upper body back and forth a bit from here if you’d like. Do two or three of these.

3 – Kettlebell Halos

Start by grabbing the horns of the KB, and hold it underneath your chin with the bottom facing up towards your face. Circle the KB around your head, alternating directions each rep. Do about 5 of these each way.

Do the exercises “circuit-style”, one after the other, and repeat the sequence for a total of two to three rounds.

Watch the breakdown video here -> https://youtu.be/L30Mm8laOxo

Try this 5-min KB Mobility/Flexibility Routine first thing in the morning, before your next kettlebell workout, or any time of day to see and feel the difference!

If you liked it, stay tuned – I have lots more mobilty, flexibility, movement-improving content and tips coming your way all week long.

-Forest Vance
Kettlebell Expert
Over 40 Training Specialist