Try this three minute warm up routine before your next kettlebell workout, first thing in the morning, or any time you need a recharge! If you are looking to prioritize improving your flexibility, I also recommend this: 28-day Flexibility Challenge –
It will give you a specific plan you can follow for the next month!
– Forest Vance, Master of Science – Human Movement, Kettlebell Expert, Over 40 Training Specialist
One thing I’ve been pretty consistent with for the last 9 or 10 years is a daily flexibility routine.
It works WONDERS for:
Improving movement
Improving energy
Improving workout performance
…and SO much more.
Let me tell you, I feel it BIG TIME if I miss. I feel stiffer, more sore, maybe even more injury-prone during my workouts.
Here’s an example of what my daily flexibility series might look like… (this one is actually from the Hyperbolic Stretching 28-day Challenge where you’ll build up to doing the splits):
standing straddle w/ alternating toe reach – 3x:10 per side
lying piriformis stretch – 3x:10 per side
standing forward fold “head to toe” stretch – 3x:20
toe flex – 3x:10 per side
“drop stance” hip flexor stretch – 3x:15 per side
seated straddle split stretch – 3x:15 per side
standing quad stretch – 3x:20 per side
lying abdominal stretch – 3x:15
*See exercise breakdowns / demos in the full Hyperbolic Stretching 28-day Challenge course HERE
Gaining flexibility WILL help your kettlebell training, as well as many other areas of life. Incorporate some kind of daily stretching routine to help. I highly recommend the Hyperbolic Stretching 28-day Challenge to help you see the most measureable progress in the shortest amount of time.
To your continued success! –
-Forest Vance, Master of Science – Human Movement, Certified Corrective Exercise Specialist, Kettlebell Expert, Over 40 Training Specialist
In the study, they had participants attend a weekly group session (just like we’re going to do in the 12 in 12) where they did things like encourage calorie restriction and moderate intensity physical activity so that they could lose weight.
Guess what one thing the participants did that lost twice as much weight as the rest of the participants who didn’t?
They kept a food log!
This is really not surprising. Keeping a food record is so critical because it can help you understand your eating habits, your patterns.. it gives us actual data we can look at and then help to improve if we’re not getting the results that we want.. and so much more.
Now in the KB 12 in 12, I’m not gonna force you to do anything, that’s not really how I roll ? I’m just gonna give you suggestions… they’re gonna help you get the best results… and the more the suggestions of mine that you take, the better results that you’re going to get! ?
The 12 in 12 Challenge officially starts tomorrow, January 4th, so if you want to sign up, you still have time, but you got to do it now. Here’s the the link for details and to officially register:
And to sum up, if you want to lose twice as much weight in the same amount of time, keep a food record. It’s backed by science!
-Forest Vance Master of Science, Human Movement Certified Fitness Nutrition Coach
PS – Another really interesting thing about this piece of research is that participants on average lost a substantial amount of weight, but they were not perfect!
On average:
— They attended 72% of the group sessions — They reported 117 minutes of moderate intensity physical activity a week — They kept an average of 3.7 daily food records per week — They consumed 2.9 servings of fruits and vegetables per day on average
… and everybody still on average ending up losing around 15 pounds!
They DID however put in a solid, honest effort, and did their best.
If you can play full out and do that, I am going to help you get some tremendous results over the next 12 weeks. Details and sign up for the 12 in 12 Transformation Challenge at the link below: