“Iron Bell Battalion” – KB Boot Camp Workout for Trainers, Coaches

I am excited to announce a special sale on my top-selling kettlebell courses and products to celebrate my 42nd birthday. Each course will be on sale for one day, and today we’re offering a discount on my popular kettlebell boot camp workout course – Kettlebell Boot Camp Workouts:

–> Kettlebell Boot Camp Workouts 2023

As trainers, we know that preparing for boot camp or personal training workouts can be time-consuming and challenging. Recently, I collaborated with Core Balance, a local yoga studio in Kansas City, to organize a nutrition workshop. While it was a lot of fun, it required significant preparation – from structuring the session to creating PowerPoint slides and handouts for participants.

If you can relate to the amount of time and effort that goes into creating workouts, then I’ve got a solution for you. Today, I’m offering a free kettlebell boot camp workout that you can use with your clients. This workout will save you some time as you plan for next week.

The “Iron Bell Battalion” workout includes three rounds, with 30 seconds of activity and 15 seconds of rest between moves, and one minute of rest between rounds.

(Tier 1 – Beginners)

Kettlebell 2-hand Swing (recommended weight 16k W – 24k M)
Plank step out
Bodyweight squats
Kettlebell figure 8 to hold (recommended weight 8-12k W – 16-20K M)
Squat thrust

(Tier 2 – Intermediate / Advanced)

1 arm Kettlebell swing (recommended weight 8-12k W – 16-20k M)
Plank jacks
KB squats
Kettlebell figure 8 to hold (recommended weight 8-12k W – 16-20K M)
Squat thrust

Try this workout with your clients this week and let me know their feedback. If you like it, I encourage you to check out my full kettlebell boot camp workout course. It includes dozens more workouts that you can use with your clients, saving you time and effort.

–> Kettlebell Boot Camp Workouts 2023 – Birthday Sale, One Day Only!

Forest Vance
Master of Science, Human Movement
Owner, FVT Personal Training – Sacramento
Owner, FVT Personal Training – Kansas City
Kettlebell Expert
Over 40 Training Specialist

“King TUT” KB/BW Hybrid Workout

To celebrate my 42nd birthday, I’m having a sale on my popular kettlebell training plans all week long. Today’s deal is on Kettlebell-Bodyweight Hybrid Strength training:

–>> Kettlebell-Bodyweight Hybrid Strength Training: Get Strong Without Lifting Heavy Weights

With this course, you’ll discover techniques to build strength without needing to increase the weight you lift, so that you can reach your goals while taking it easy on the body and joints.

To give you a taste of what’s included, check out today’s sample “King TUT” KB/BW Hybrid Workout. This workout utilizes the Time Under Tension method from the course, and focuses on legs and abs:


“King TUT” KB/BW Hybrid Workout

1A. Explosive Tempo Single/Double KB Swing: 3 sets of 15 reps

2A. HardStyle Plank: 3 sets of 20-second holds

1B. 4-0-2-0 Tempo Single/Double KB Alternating Reverse Lunge: 3 sets of 10 reps

2B. Explosive Tempo HardStyle Burpee: 3 sets of 5 reps”King TUT” KB/BW Hybrid Workout

1C: 4-0-2-0 Tempo Hanging Leg Raises: 3 sets of 10 reps

2C: V-Sit Holds: 3 sets of 20-second holds


If you want to gain muscle and strength, but you want to do it while taking it easy on your body and joints, without having to lift heavy weight, check out my Kettlebell-Bodyweight Hybrid Strength Training course while it’s on Birthday Sale today at the link below:

–>> Kettlebell-Bodyweight Hybrid Strength Training: Get Strong Without Lifting Heavy Weights

-Forest Vance – Master of Science, Human Movement – Kettlebell Expert – Over 40 Training Specialist

Lifetime Kettlebell Fitness: Why Slow and Controlled Movements Aren’t Enough After 50

To celebrate my 42nd birthday, I’m offering a special sale on several of my popular kettlebell courses this week. Each course will be on sale for one day only before returning to its regular price. Today, the spotlight is on Lifetime Kettlebell Fitness for Over 50’s! Get it now on discount at the link below:

-> Lifetime Kettlebell Fitness 2.0

A recent conversation with a new over-50 client got me thinking about a common misconception that slow, controlled movements are the only safe option for aging individuals.

While there is certainly a time and place for such exercises, it’s also important to incorporate faster movements to develop power.

As we age, power training can improve our reflexes, balance, and ability to avoid falls. Kettlebells are an excellent tool for this purpose, because moves like kettlebell swings challenge the glutes and hamstrings to contract quickly, teaching the body to generate power.

To learn how to perform kettlebell exercises properly and safely, check out Lifetime Kettlebell Fitness 2.0, which includes instructional videos and training plans designed to improve mobility, reduce pain, and increase energy levels, specifically for people over 50. The program is currently on sale for my 42nd birthday, and can be purchased at the link below:

-> Lifetime Kettlebell Fitness 2.0

Let’s get stronger, leaner, and more energetic together in 2023!

-Forest Vance, Master of Science – Human Movement, Certified Kettlebell Instructor, KettlebellBasics.net

PS – When you purchase today, you’ll also get two additional bonus kettlebell-based training plans designed to help you stay pain-free while doing what you love, eliminate the effects of aging, and feel 20 years younger:

-> Lifetime Kettlebell Fitness 2.0

Kettlebell Isometrics – Week 2 / Workout 3 (Birthday Sale – Free Sample)

It’s my birthday, and I want to celebrate with you! To mark the occasion, I’m putting my most popular kettlebell courses on sale, with each course discounted for ONE DAY ONLY. If you’ve been thinking about trying out my kettlebell plans, now is the time to act.

As a special treat, I’m also sharing a sample workout from my kettlebell isometrics course. This course is perfect for anyone who wants to learn how to use kettlebells and isometrics to preserve their joints, build lean muscle, and cut down on recovery time. Plus, you’ll get a cardio workout and burn body fat at the same time!

Check out the sample workout below, and then head to the link to get the full course while it’s still on sale:

–>> Kettlebell-Isometrics Birthday Sale

Kettlebell Isometrics – Week 2 / Workout 3

Do the following sequence of exercises three times, resting approximately 30 seconds between exercises and 60 seconds between rounds:

  • 45 jumping jacks
  • ISO – “Superplank” – 20 seconds per side
  • 10 alternating KB goblet reverse lunges per side (recommended weight = 12/16k men – 8/12k women)
  • 40-second ISO – hollow hold with hands at sides
  • 20 two-hand KB swings (recommended weight = 20/24k men – 12/16k women)
  • 45 seal jacks
  • 8 push-ups with 5-second ISO – “Superplank” hold at the top of each rep
  • 10 alternating KB goblet front lunges per side (recommended weight = 12/16k men – 8/12k women)
  • 40-second ISO – hollow hold with hands over head
  • 10 one-arm KB swings per side (recommended weight = 16/20k men – 8/12k women)

I hope you enjoy the workout! And don’t forget to grab the full course while it’s still on sale at the link below:

->> Kettlebell-Isometrics Birthday Sale

-Forest Vance, KettlebellBasics.net

Kettlebells for Abs Finisher – “Get Up and Swing the Plank”

As I celebrate my 42nd birthday this month, I’ve decided to offer some of my best-selling kettlebell courses at a discounted price for a limited time.

The catch is that each course will only be on sale for a single day, after which it will return to its original price.

So, if you’ve been thinking about purchasing any of my specialized kettlebell courses, now is the perfect opportunity!

Today’s featured course is Kettlebells for Abs. Take a look at the sample workout below and then take advantage of the discounted price by following this link: –>> Kettlebells for Abs – Birthday Sale 


Kettlebells for Abs Finisher – “Get Up and Swing the Plank”

1. One Hand Kettlebell Swings – 10 reps per side:

Start with a kettlebell between your feet. Bend at the hips and knees, and grab the kettlebell with one hand. Stand up explosively, using your hips to generate the momentum, and swing the kettlebell up to shoulder height. Lower it back down between your legs, and repeat for 10 reps on each side.

2. Plank Pull Throughs – 10 reps:

Assume a plank position with your hands directly under your shoulders and your feet hip-width apart. Place a kettlebell to the side of your body. Reach across with one hand and pull the kettlebell underneath your body, passing it to the other hand. Keep your core engaged and your hips stable throughout the movement. Alternate sides for 10 reps.

3. 1/4 Turkish Get Ups with a Sit Up – 5 reps per side:

Lie on your back with a kettlebell in one hand and your arm extended towards the ceiling. Bend your knee on the same side as the kettlebell and place your foot flat on the floor. Sit up, keeping your eyes on the kettlebell and your arm extended. Lower back down to the starting position, and repeat for 5 reps on each side.

Perform this finisher as a circuit, moving from one exercise to the next without rest. Complete 3-4 rounds, resting for 30 seconds to 1 minute between rounds. Make sure to use proper form and select an appropriate kettlebell weight for your fitness level. 


If you’ve been thinking about purchasing any of my specialized kettlebell courses, now is the perfect opportunity. Today’s featured course is Kettlebells for Abs. Take advantage of the discounted price by following this link –>> Kettlebells for Abs – Birthday Sale 

– Forest Vance
Master of Science, Human Movement
Certified Kettlebell Instructor
Over-40 Training Specialist

“The Terminator” – 21 Minute Kettlebell EMOM

Kettlebells are unique, and the 21-minute “The Terminator” KB Challenge is a prime illustration of their effectiveness.

If you give it a try, you’ll experience the advantages of combining resistance training and cardiovascular conditioning into a single intense workout.

*If you like today’s workout, you can get my “300” Kettlebell Challenge course FREE with your purchase of Hybrid Kettlebell Muscle 2.0! Offer is good for this week only. Details and order now at the link below:

-> Hybrid Kettlebell Muscle 2.0

“The Terminator” – 21-minute KB/BW EMOM

1 – Set your timer to go off every 60 seconds.
2 – At the top of the first minute, perform 10 one hand KB swings per side.
3 – Your rest is the time between your last rep and when the next 60 second interval starts.
4 – Repeat in the same fashion with 15 push ups (second minute) and 8 burpees (third minute).
5 – At the top of the fourth minute, go back to the swings, and repeat for a total of seven rounds of the three moves. The full workout should take you 21 minutes.


One of the biggest benefits of kettlebell training is that you get total body strength, mobility, and conditioning – ALL at the same time!

That’s also why they are AWESOME combining with barbells so that you can get as strong and musclular as possible, while also staying lean and athletic.

If this interests you, check out my Hybrid Kettlebell Muscle 2.0 course. This is the ultimate program for helping you learn how to effectively combine barbell and kettlebell training. You also get a free copy of my “300” kettlebell Challenge course with your purchase. However, this offer is good for a short time longer, so you need to sign up now if you want in. Click the link below:

–>> Hybrid Kettlebell Muscle 2.0

Here’s to your kettlebell training success!

-Forest Vance, KettlebellBasics.net

Hybrid Kettlebell Muscle 2.0 – Free Sample Workout

If you are looking for:

  • New functional strength and muscle
  • Less fat
  • More energy
  • Long – term health
  • Less pain

Hybrid Kettlebell Muscle is going to be right up your alley!

You’ll learn how to successfully combine kettlebell and barbell training, so that you can get strong, lean, and athletic, all at the same time. Check out this sample workout from the program, then stay tuned for the full course release later this week:


Hybrid Kettlebell Muscle 2.0 – Sample Workout

WARM UP – Turkish get up progression (from Dan John) – alternating (bodyweight) ¼ get ups = 10 per side; alternating (bodyweight) ½ get ups = 5 per side; (bodyweight) full get up each side; top-down get up w/ press at every step (light weight) = 1 per side

PART 1 – Back Squat – see spreadsheet for sets and reps
-no rest-
KB Renegade row – 8 reps per side
-rest 60 seconds; repeat 3 more times

PART 2 – KB floor press – 10 reps
-no rest-
Walking bodyweight prisoner lunges – 12 per side
-rest 60 seconds; repeat 3 more times

PART 3 – Chin up hold / chin up / pull up / weighted pull up
-no rest-
X-body mountain climbers burpees – 5
-rest 60 seconds; repeat 3 more times


With Hybrid Kettlebell Muscle, you will learn how to combine kettlebell and barbell training to make gains in strength, muscle, energy levels, and overall health. Get ready to look younger and feel energized with this new program!

–Forest Vance
Master of Science, Human Movement
Certified Kettlebell Instructor
Over-40 Specialist

A Quick Morning Stretch Routine to Compliment Kettlebells

Every morning, I make it a point to do a quick mobility routine to compliment my kettlebell training. I’m not as flexible as I used to be 20 years ago, but that’s where this routine comes in. Not only does it help with flexibility and recovery, but it also clears my mind for the day ahead. I pull my routines from a bunch of different places, but one of my favorites is the 28-day Flexibility Challenge program that I shared with you yesterday. One of my favorites includes:

  • Standing straddle with alternating toe reach – 3 sets of 10 reps per side
  • Lying piriformis stretch – 3 sets of 10 reps per side
  • Standing forward fold “head to toe” stretch – 3 sets of 20 reps
  • Toe flex – 3 sets of 10 reps per side
  • “Drop stance” hip flexor stretch – 3 sets of 15 reps per side
  • Seated straddle split stretch – 3 sets of 15 reps per side
  • Standing quad stretch – 3 sets of 20 reps per side
  • Lying abdominal stretch – 3 sets of 15 reps

You can find the full exercise demos in the 28-day hyperbolic stretching challenge. After just a month of doing this routine, you’ll notice a major improvement in your flexibility, mobility, mindset, and just overall life. Give it a try and let me know how it goes!

–> Click here for the 28-day Flexibility Challenge

-Forest Vance, KettlebellBasics.net

Mix Up Your Cardio with this Sandbag / Duffelbag Conditioning Workout:

Our personal training studio in Kansas City is located next door to an awesome strength gym. Even though we have our own entrance and signage, we technically sublease from them and share some amenities like bathrooms. Recently, the owners, whom I’ve come to know over the last few months, informed me of a powerlifting meet they are hosting in May, which I decided to participate in. It’ll be my first official powerlifting competition, and I’m really excited about it.

However, if you follow my emails, blog or social media posts, you may know that I’m also into distance events, like Spartan races. I’m considering doing a 50k Spartan Ultra Beast event later this year, which seems to be at odds with my powerlifting goals. Nevertheless, I’ve found a way to balance both by reducing my running mileage while maintaining my conditioning level with unorthodox workouts, like the sandbag/duffelbag conditioning workout I’m going to share with you today.

*Check out the duffelbag at the link below – load it up with books / old clothes / etc and you’ve got yourself a functional sandbag – plus it’s free when you order using the link below (just pay shipping):

-> Evatec Hybrid Duffel Bag – Free + Shipping Offer


Mix Up Your Cardio with this Sandbag / Duffelbag Conditioning Workout

Keep going for as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes, and you can take breaks if you need to. Perform the following exercises:

  • alternating reverse lunge (hold the bag in front of your chest) – 8 reps per side
  • plank with pull-through (start with the bag outside your left hand, then pull it through to your right side and repeat, alternating sides each time) – 8 reps per side
  • elevated push ups (using the bag to elevate one hand on the floor) – 12 reps per side
  • one-arm rows (use the bag for weight) – 12 reps per side


If you’re looking for a different type of workout, check out this great fat-burning and muscle-building duffel/sandbag session!

Plus, check out the duffelbag at the link below – load it up with books / old clothes / etc and you’ve got yourself a functional sandbag – plus it’s free when you order using the link below (just pay shipping):

-> Evatec Hybrid Duffel Bag – Free + Shipping Offer

Here’s to your success! –

Forest and the Forest Vance Training Team at ForestVanceTraining.com and KettlebellBasics.net

Kettlebell HIIT FIT Circuit

Groceries… only… take… one…. trip!!!! ?

Loaded carries are actually a great exercise for building functional strength, enhancing core stability, improving grip strength, and more… and another (probably better) way to do them is with kettlebells!

Check out this giant circuit kettlebell workout – that includes loaded carries! – in the style of Kettlebell HIIT Fit Conditioning, FREE when you sign up for this month’s 5×5 Kettlebell Challenge:


Kettlebell HIIT FIT Circuit

Complete the following moves for 40 seconds of work, 20 seconds of rest. Rest 60 seconds between rounds. Complete 3 rounds total:

1 – two hand KB swing

2 – walking lunge – right side

3 – single KB renegade row with push up

4 – walking lunge – left side

5 – KB rack walk – right side

6 – v sit / boat pose

7 – KB rack walk – left side

8 – skater hops

Sign up for the 5×5 Kettlebell Challenge 2.0 at the link below and get Kettlebell HIIT FIT Conditioning FREE – but hurry, we start today, Monday, April 10th:

–>> 5×5 Kettlebell Challenge 2.0

– Forest and the Team at KettlebellBasics.net