I was reading up on this new “Underground Fat Loss” method – there are certainly some interesting things the author Matt Marshall has to say, so I wanted to look into it a little more myself!…
Check out an excerpt from the full article linked below, then click here to read more about the Underground Fat Loss Method and how to implement it.
— Forest @ KettlebellBasics.net
Weight Loss Lie #3: Carbs Raise Insulin & Make You Store Fat
When it comes to losing fat, you’ve probably heard that you need to cut carbs if you wanna lose weight? Maybe you’ve even tried a low-carb diet over the years. If you did, I bet ya a doughnut I can guess what happened:
First two weeks went great – you dropped a bunch of weight. Mostly water, but some fat too. And then…. Nada. Weight loss came to a screeching stop. And… oddly enough. You were cold all the time. Especially your hands and your feet.
Am I in the right neighborhood? Maybe you already know why this happened – without adequate carbohydrates, your body produces less T3. T3 – or triiodothyronine for you science geeks – is a hormone that controls metabolism AND rate of fat burning.
Strange Bagel Study Proves You Can Crush Carbs All Day Long Without Gaining Fat
Check out this medical research study, published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition…
Researchers found a bunch of volunteers and basically crammed bagels down their throat for a week. I’m not even kidding – they overfed these volunteers 1,000 EXTRA calories (mostly from carbs) on day 1.
Just one problem. All these extra carbs actually…
Increased Metabolism By 37%!
This totally messed with the experiment.
So on day 2 researchers upped the ante. They overfed participants an extra 1,500 calories. But again, each volunteers’ metabolism increased again, this time burning an extra 470 calories. By the end of the week researchers were begging the volunteers to cram down bagels and despite 5 days of massive over-eating none of the participants gained any appreciable amount of body fat.
This PROVES that it’s possible to enjoy delicious carbohydrates without gaining fat. And in fact you can even enjoy many of your favorite carb-heavy dishes and lose weight.
The secret is knowing what kinds of carbs to eat.