Proven KB System vs Random Workouts

I’m just chilling here on this Sunday morning before heading off to church with the fam in about an hour. Finished up breakfast and thought I’d shoot you a quick email with some thoughts for the coming week:

Do you have a proven system in place to achieve your fitness goals in 2024? Or are you just randomly trying out different KB workouts you find on Instagram or YouTube?

Here’s the thing – if you want to achieve goals like mastering the KB basics (swings, get ups, cleans, presses, snatches, squats), getting stronger and gaining lean muscle, or losing up to 12 percent of your bodyweight over the next 12 weeks, then you need a kettlebell routine that is specifically tailored to YOU. It’s all about finding the right exercises, progression techniques, weights, and training frequency that work best for your body.

Nutrition is also key. You need an approach that promotes fat loss and can be sustained long-term because let’s face it – you can’t out-train a bad diet!

Finally, most people need accountability and support to truly succeed.

If you’re looking for some help in 2024 with all of these things and more I recommend you check out the program I am accepting applications for now at the link below:

-> 1-to-1 Remote KB Coaching with Forest.

Main point of today’s message is, if you want to get the best fitness results, follow a proven plan, NOT random workouts.

Have an awesome day, and catch ya later!

-Forest Vance
Master of Science, Human Movement
Owner, FVT Personal Training
Author, the CORE Kettlebell Challenge

KB / BW Metabolic Strength Training Workout for Ripped Grandpas

This “Ripped Grandpa” Metabolic Strength Training Workout is specifically designed for guys who are 50 years old and older. The focus is on efficient workouts that won’t accelerate the aging process or cause injuries.

Check out this amazing 60-year-old “Ripped Grandpa” home workout program:

Most workouts out there are not tailored for guys in their fifties and beyond. They actually speed up the aging process, harm your body, and mess with your male hormones.

But with the “Ripped Grandpa” program, we use various methods to ensure you achieve better results at any age or fitness level. One of these methods is called Metabolic Strength Training. It’s the ultimate solution for efficient workouts that keep your cortisol levels in check and allow you to have amazing home workouts in a short amount of time.

Over the course of 12 weeks, this program consists of three phases that progressively change as you go through it. Let’s take a look at an example of what a workout might look like when you’re starting out in phase one:


KB / BW Metabolic Strength Training Workout for Ripped Grandpas

  • Pushup (you can elevate your hands or do standard): 15 reps
  • Squat: 15 reps (bodyweight or goblet style with a kettlebell)
  • Overhead Press (standing or 1/2 kneeling): 8 reps (dumbbell or kettlebell)
  • Staggered-Stance 1 arm Row: 12 reps (dumbbell or kettlebell)
  • Floor Tricep Skull Crushers: 15 reps (dumbbell or kettlebell variation)
  • Bicep Curls: 15 reps (dumbbell or kettlebell towel variation)


What I personally love about this program is that it progressively gets more challenging over the course of 12 weeks. It starts off with a basic full-body split in week one and then gradually increases in intensity as you go along. So no matter your age, it’s perfect for getting into shape!

If you want more details and the full program, make sure to check it out here:

=> Find the complete “Ripped Grandpa” home workout for 60-year-olds

Keep up the good work and stay fit!

-Forest Vance