23-min “Strength-Plyo-Iso” KB Circuit

Ready to get strong, flexible, energetic and lean – all in one workout and with minimal complexity? I’ve got you covered.

Introducing the 23-min “Strength-Plyo-Iso” KB Circuit. This workout hits everything: strength, endurance, power and stability.

Here’s the breakdown:

You’ll do each exercise in a circuit. Do as many reps as you can for 30 seconds on each exercise, then rest for 15 seconds before moving on to the next. After you’ve done all three, rest for 60 seconds and repeat the entire circuit for 3 rounds.

Round 1:

  1. Goblet Squats
  2. Total Body Extensions or Squat Jumps
  3. Squat Holds (Bottom of Squat Position)

Round 2:

  1. Kettlebell Floor Press
  2. Modified Burpees or Standard Burpees (Add Push-up If Possible!)
  3. Plank Hold

Round 3:

  1. Kettlebell Bent Over Row (30 seconds per side)
  2. Kettlebell Toss-and-Catch Row (30 seconds total)
  3. Kettlebell Row Hold (15 seconds per side)

Why This Works:

  • Strength: Exercises build muscle and strength throughout your body.
  • Plyometrics: Squat Jumps and Burpees are explosive and burn calories.
  • Isometrics: Plank and Squat Holds are endurance and joint strengthening.

You get everything in this workout: strength, cardio and flexibility – all in one quick and effective circuit. And it can be done anywhere with just a kettlebell or two.

Whether you’re new to kettlebell training or a seasoned pro, this will challenge you and give you results fast. If you’ve been looking for a routine to get functional strength, energy and body fat shredding – this is it.

What’s Next?

Ready to take the next step and go deeper into kettlebell training? I’m here to help. This is just a taste of what’s to come in the Ageless Warrior Kettlebell Challenge starting September 23rd.

But regardless of whether you’re in the challenge or not, get to work with your kettlebells!


– Forest Vance
MS, Human Movement
Kettlebell Expert, Over-40 Specialist

P.S. Want to see how this workout fits into a full training plan? Check out the Ageless Warrior Kettlebell Challenge. Details here if you’re interested!

More Gains = Shorter Life? (alternative KB-“longevity” workout inside)

Did you know that getting huge and jacked could actually shorten your life?

It’s true. This is largely because the more mass you carry, the more strain you place on your cardiovascular system—whether that extra mass is muscle or fat. In fact, muscle demands even more blood flow than fat, increasing the workload even further on your heart.

If longevity is a priority, focus on getting strong, but also staying lean, as it reduces stress on your heart, while making you look more muscular at the same time. Shift your mindset to enhancing overall physical capacity like strength, endurance, and mobility. And speed up your lifting sessions so that your heart rate stays elevated for better cardiovascular benefits.

If you’re ready to put these principles into action, check out the Ageless Warrior Challenge 2.0. Here’s a sneak peek at Day 1 of the program:

Sample Workout: Ageless Warrior Challenge

Part 1: Bottom Hand Windmills
Perform 5 reps per side.
Rest 30 seconds and repeat for 3 sets total.

Part 2: 40 Seconds On, 20 Seconds Off

Single Arm Kettlebell Swing (20 seconds per side)
KB Tactical Lunge (alternate legs)
Single Arm KB Row (20 seconds per side)
Complete 3 rounds, resting 60 seconds between rounds.

Part 3: 30 Seconds On, 15 Seconds Off

Cross-Body Mountain Climbers
Side Plank Hold with Leg Raise (:15 per side)
Complete 3 rounds.


new “Ageless Warrior” Kettlebell Workout

Have you ever thought about the specific qualities that could help you feel great as the years go by, like an “ageless warrior”?

I personally think these qualities would include:

— Being strong enough to do things – like I recently helped my mom with moving a storage unit, and I was very thankful I had the strength (and endurance) to move heavy stuff for a few hours
— Having the cardio endurance to do things – like the moving help described above, or maybe playing a game of pickup b-ball with the kiddos, or walk up a few flights of stairs without getting gassed
— Having flexibility and moving well – so that you can feel reasonably pain-free when you get up in the morning and go about your daily activities etc
— Being at a healthy weight – helps with all of the above, with self-confidence, health, and much more

That’s EXACTLY why I’m putting together this brand new “Ageless Warrior” Kettlebell workout, and I want you to join. More info on the page linked below:

-> new “Ageless Warrior” Kettlebell Workout

— Forest Vance – ForestVanceTraining.com – KettlebellBasics.net

300-Rep Kettlebell Bootcamp Workout + Last Call for 82 KB Boot Camp Workouts

I don’t think I’ll ever forget the first time I pushed myself through a performance-based workout like this one I’m sharing with you today.

It was brutal, and it completely changed the way I looked at training.

That feeling of hitting new personal records and seeing tangible improvements is what inspired me to recreate that experience for my clients.

But of course, I had to put my own spin on it-a sort of “kettlebell twist,” if you will 🙂

So I designed a workout that not only challenges your endurance and strength but lets you measure your progress and watch yourself level up-just as I did.

Here’s a sneak peek:

300-Rep Kettlebell Bootcamp Workout – from 82 KB Boot Camp Workouts

Do as many reps of each exercise as possible in 60 seconds. No rest between moves. Running clock. Three rounds total. Think you can reach 300 reps?

— Kettlebell Swings YOUR CHOICE two hand / one hand / DARC
— Push-Ups, Any Style! wide / narrow / regular
— Kettlebell Goblet Lunges, Any Style! forward, backward, walking
— 1-Arm Kettlebell Rows
— Jumping Jacks


And now, last call for my newest version of 82 KB Boot Camp Workouts. You are going to have a complete plug-and-play workout system that you can immediately start putting to use, either for your clients or yourself. It’s designed to get better results in less time while keeping workouts fresh, fun, and challenging.

–>> 82 Kettlebell Boot Camp Workouts – Last Call

If you’re seeking a shortcut to streamlining your programming, my personal playbook of kettlebell boot camp workouts is what you need. With 82 total workouts and counting, this collection has saved me countless hours of planning.

You’ll get instant access to the updated and expanded edition with the link below:

–>> 82 Kettlebell Boot Camp Workouts – Last Call

I’m sure you’ll be impressed by how it can positively change your workouts, and I hope to hear about how it goes!

Forest Vance
Master of Science, Human Movement
Certified Kettlebell Instructor
ForestVanceTraining.com | LeesSummitPersonalTrainer.com | KettlebellBasics.net

P.S. This will save you time and energy while giving killer results – order now!

Kettlebell Boot Camp Workout #16 – Total KB Basics Domination (free sample workout)

Get ready to master the basics and go all out! In this kettlebell challenge you’ll get a killer workout and work on perfecting your form with all the fundamental kettlebell moves. From Turkish Get-Ups to Swings, this workout will hone your technique and build strength.

Now, let’s get started:

The Moves:

  • Turkish Get-Up (TGU)
  • Clean and Press
  • Snatches
  • Goblet Squats
  • Swings

How it Works:

You’ll do three rounds of descending reps of these five exercises.

Round 1:
Start strong with 3 TGU per side, 6 C&P per side, 9 Snatches per side, 24 Goblet Squats and 48 Swings.

Round 2:
Take it down a notch but keep it intense. 2 TGU per side, 4 C&P per side, 6 Snatches per side, 18 Goblet

Round 3:
Finish with 1 TGU per side, 2 C&P per side, 3 Snatches per side, 12 Goblet Squats and 24 Swings.


  • 1st Round: 3 TGU, 6 C&P, 9 Snatches, 24 Goblet Squats, 48 Swings
  • 2nd Round: 2 TGU, 4 C&P, 6 Snatches, 18 Goblet Squats, 36 Swings
  • 3rd Round: 1 TGU, 2 C&P, 3 Snatches, 12 Goblet Squats, 24 Swings

It’s tough, but if you’re up for the challenge, you’ll be stronger for it. Now get after it and show what you’re made of!

-Forest and the FVT Team — KettlebellBasics.net — ForestVanceTraining.com


82 new KB — Boot Camp Workouts 💪

I have a personal playbook of 82 kettlebell boot camp workouts that I use daily to keep my sessions fresh and effective. 

It’s been a massive time-saver for me, and I think you’ll find it helpful too—whether you’re a coach, or just love kettlebell training. 

Check out my personal kettlebell boot camp workout playbook at the link below:

-> 82 new KB — Boot Camp Workouts 💪

As a bonus, I’m also including Hybrid Kettlebell Muscle 2.0, a program that combines kettlebells and barbells to build serious strength and lean muscle. Perfect if you (or your clients) want to hit new fitness goals.


Click here to check it out 👉 82 Kettlebell Boot Camp Workout

“Lean and Jacked” Kettlebell – Week 2 / Workout B

FREE SAMPLE — from “Lean and Jacked” Kettlebell – Professional Edition:

1 – Deadlift – 4 sets of 6 @ 75% of one rep max

– 1-2 warm up set + 2-3 work sets total.
– Work up in weight each set.
– Rest 2-3 minutes between sets.
– Ex – your goal DL max for the end of the program is 300 pounds. Your goal is to WORK UP to 225 (75% of 300) for sets 3 and 4. You might go – 135×6; 185×6; 225×6; 225×6.
– Refer to “Strength Standards” PDF to set lifting goal(s) (included in full program)

HOW to deadlift safely and effectively: (video included in full program)

2 – KB / complex – Complete all reps on one side without setting the
kettlebell down, before moving on to the other side. Push the pace, and get
four rounds on each side as fast as possible:

1 arm KB press – 5 
front squat – 5
one arm swing – 10 
reverse suitcase lunge – 5


“Lean and Jacked” Kettlebell – Professional Edition

For years, at our Sacramento gym location, before I sold it, we ran “Lean and Jacked” personal training groups. These provided the best of both worlds:

We’d do kettlebell-based MRT (metabolic resistance training) workouts to crank up your metabolism and burn more calories in less time, while keeping your calorie-burning going for the rest of the day.

We’d also mix in select basic barbell moves (squat, bench, deadlift) to help you get as strong as humanly possible while maintaining your athleticism at the same time.

Now, I’ve put together a special “Lean and Jacked – Professional Edition” workout plan at the link below:

–>> “Lean and Jacked” Kettlebell – Professional Edition

This is a 2-for-1 offer where you’ll get BOTH my Kettlebell Boot Camp Workouts program, which gives you 82(!) kettlebell workouts you can use with your clients (if you’re a trainer or coach) OR yourself—my “little black book” of kettlebell programming, so to speak.

AND, you’ll also get a copy of Hybrid Kettlebell Muscle 2.0. Here, you’ll receive the ALL NEW kettlebell + barbell solution for strength and muscle. You see, you can find a lot of bodybuilding programs out there, and you can find a lot of powerlifting programs too. But you CAN’T find many (if any!) programs that show you how to COMBINE kettlebell and barbell training for the best “lean and jacked” results possible. That’s exactly what you’ll get with Hybrid Kettlebell Muscle 2.0—perfect to use with your clients who want strength and athleticism, or for yourself!

You’ll be lean AND jacked in no time with this professional package of workout plans!

Learn more here –>> NEXT PAGE

-Forest Vance
Master of Science, Human Movement
Kettlebell Expert
Over 40 Specialist

How to Drop a Size in 28 Days with Kettlebells – PART 1

Want to drop a size in 28 days? Kettlebells could be your answer. These short, intense workouts burn a ton of calories during the workout and keep your metabolism elevated for hours after. According to the American Council on Exercise (ACE), kettlebell workouts can burn up to 20 calories per minute—that’s 600 calories in just 30 minutes​ (research below).

*If you’re ready to drop a size in 28 days, join my challenge! You’ll get custom workouts, nutrition tips, and accountability to reach your goal. Reply to this email with the word “CHALLENGE” and I’ll send over the details. And hurry, we start Monday September 9th!

The Afterburn Effect (EPOC)

After the workout, kettlebells trigger EPOC (Excess Post-Exercise Oxygen Consumption), which means your body will continue to burn calories as it recovers. This effect can last up to 24 hours, keeping your metabolism elevated​ for the rest of the day.

Sample KB Circuit

Here’s a quick workout to get your metabolism fired up. Set your timer for 60 seconds per exercise. Do the prescribed reps, rest for the remainder of the minute. Repeat the full circuit for four rounds, with a 60-second rest between rounds.

  1. Two-Hand Kettlebell Swings – 20 reps
    (24 kg for men / 16 kg for women)
  2. Bear Plank March – 10 reps per leg
  3. Kettlebell Goblet Alternating Reverse Lunges – 8 reps per leg
    (20 kg for men / 12 kg for women)
  4. Single-Arm Kettlebell Rows – 12 reps per side
    (20 kg for men / 12 kg for women)
  5. Burpees – 8 reps

After the entire circuit, rest for 60 seconds and repeat for four rounds.

Ready to Drop a Size?

If you’re ready to drop a size in 28 days, join my challenge! You’ll get custom workouts, nutrition tips, and accountability to reach your goal. Reply to this email with the word “CHALLENGE” and I’ll send over the details. And hurry, we start Monday September 9th!

Forest Vance
FVT Warrior Wellness

Research links:




Labor Day “Reverse Ladder” KB Workout

Labor Day weekend is here! Most people are firing up the grill or soaking up the last of summer but I’ve got a different kind of celebration in mind—one that will leave you stronger, more energized and ready for anything.

Before you get into the fun, why not take some time to invest in yourself? I’ve put together a killer “Reverse Ladder” kettlebell workout that will challenge your body and get your blood pumping. Whether you’re a seasoned kettlebell veteran or just looking for something new to try, this workout will push you to your limits and make you feel like a boss.

Get your kettlebell and turn up the tunes!

– Forest and the FVT Team @ ForestVanceTraining.com & KettlebellBasics.net

Labor Day “Reverse Ladder” KB Workout

Set your timer and do the following as fast as possible. Rest as needed and prioritize form.

  • 20 two-hand KB swings
  • 5 one-arm KB presses per side
  • 10 walking goblet lunges per side
  • 20 inverted rows or 10 one-arm KB rows per side
  • 10 burpees

Then, decrease reps in each round:

  • 16 two-hand KB swings
  • 4 one-arm KB presses per side
  • 8 walking goblet lunges per side
  • 16 inverted rows or 8 one-arm KB rows per side
  • 8 burpees

Continue until you get to:

  • 4 two-hand KB swings
  • 1 one-arm KB press per side
  • 2 walking goblet lunges per side
  • 4 inverted rows or 2 one-arm KB rows per side
  • 2 burpees

Now you’re done with the workout.

You’ve heard of powerbuilding, right? It’s all about building serious strength and muscle at the same time. Imagine combining the raw power of powerlifting with the sculpting focus of bodybuilding. That’s how actors like Christian Bale and Will Smith get into superhero shape.

But what if you could get those results with just a kettlebell? That’s exactly what I’ve done with my Kettlebell Powerbuilding program. It’s designed to give you functional strength, sculpt your body and improve your performance – without a barbell in sight.

And here’s the best part: for this week only, when you buy my Kettlebell Isometrics program you’ll get the entire Kettlebell Powerbuilding program for free. That’s two programs for the price of one!

–>> KB Isometrics + KB Powerbuilding – 2-for-1 Sale

Get that Hollywood superhero body from home with just a kettlebell!

– Forest Vance — ForestVanceTraining.com — KettlebellBasics.net

P.S. Kettlebell Powerbuilding is one of my favorite programs of all time. It’s $29 on its own but I’m including it for free when you buy KB Isometrics this weekend. This offer won’t last long so act now!

–>> KB Isometrics + KB Powerbuilding – 2-for-1 Sale

Kettlebell Powerbuilding – Free Sample Workout

What if you could combine the best of both worlds in your kettlebell training? That’s exactly what my new Kettlebell Powerbuilding program is all about. And you get it 100% FREE, when you pick up a copy of Kettlebell Isometrics, this week only:

–>> KB Isometrics + KB Powerbuilding – 2-for-1 Sale

“Powerbuilding” is all about getting strong AND adding lean muscle, all at the same time. Traditionally, it combines the best of both the powerlifting and bodybuilding worlds for the best results.

This got me thinking—could we create a powerbuilding-style program using kettlebells ONLY? Traditionally, you would focus on squatting, benching, and deadlifting, then add bodybuilding-style exercises on top of that. But what if we replaced those traditional movements with kettlebell exercises?

This way, you can achieve the same results at home, in less time, and with the joint-sparing benefits of kettlebells.

Check out a free sample kettlebell powerbuilding workout, then get the entire program FREE when you pick up a copy of

What if you could combine the best of both worlds in your kettlebell training? That’s exactly what my new Kettlebell Powerbuilding program is all about. And you get it 100% FREE, when you pick up a copy of Kettlebell Isometrics, this week only:

–>> KB Isometrics + KB Powerbuilding – 2-for-1 Sale


Kettlebell Powerbuilding – Free Sample Workout

PART 1: Turkish Get Ups

  • Do one rep on your right side.
  • Do one rep on your left side.
  • Increase the weight if possible and repeat.
  • Increase the weight if possible again, and repeat two more times with your highest weight, for a total of four reps per side.

PART 2: Strength Circuit

  • Do 5 KB clean and presses (right side).
  • Do 5 KB clean and presses (left side).
  • Do 5 double KB front squats.
  • Rest 90-120 seconds.
  • Repeat this three more times for a total of four rounds of the circuit.
  • Finish by setting your timer, and completing as many reps as possible in 30 seconds of KB clean and press on each side, immediately followed by as many reps as possible in 60 seconds of double KB front squats.

PART 3: Conditioning Circuit

  • Do 15 two-hand KB swings.
  • Do 12 push-ups.
  • Rest 90-120 seconds.
  • Repeat this three more times for a total of four rounds of the circuit.
  • Finish by setting your timer, and getting as many KB snatch reps as you can in 30 seconds on the right side, then 30 seconds on the left side.


Kettlebell Powerbuilding is one of my PERSONAL favorite all-time programs that I have created. It will help you gain all-around functional strength, sculpt your body and take your performance to new heights. Plus, it’s the perfect program to do once you are finished with KB Isometrics.

It sells on my website separately for $29.

But I am including it – in ADDITION to KB Isometrics – 100% FREE when you purchase today.

*This bonus is included for a limited time ONLY – buy now to get the deal!*

–>> KB Isometrics + KB Powerbuilding – 2-for-1 Sale

– Forest Vance — ForestVanceTraining.com — KettlebellBasics.net

KB – ISO Workout — Week 2 / Day 1

Did you know there are two main types of isometric exercise? Let’s break it down:

Yielding Isometrics: This type is holding a position and resisting movement. Think of a plank—your core, shoulders, legs and pretty much every muscle in your body is engaged to keep you stable. Yielding isometrics are safe on your joints because there is no movement and they also strengthen the stabilizing muscles that protect your joints in other dynamic exercises. By adding yielding isometrics to your routine you’re reinforcing the foundational strength that supports all your other movements and reducing the risk of injury.

Overcoming Isometrics: On the other hand, overcoming isometrics is exerting force against an immovable object—like pushing against a wall or pressing a barbell into the safety pins of a squat rack that won’t budge. This type of isometric exercise forces your body to use the most amount of muscle fibers, resulting in maximum muscle activation. From a scientific perspective overcoming isometrics are great for nervous system stimulation. They teach your nervous system to engage your muscles as fast and as hard as possible which can break through strength plateaus and improve your performance in dynamic lifts.

By combining these two types of isometrics with kettlebell training you’re getting a workout that builds raw strength and muscle and also improves joint stability, muscle endurance and overall physical performance. Here’s a sample from my Kettlebell-Isometrics course—check it out then grab the full program here.

Main Circuit – 3 rounds. Rest 30 seconds between exercises, 45 seconds between rounds.

  1. Towel ISO Deadlift – 20 seconds
  2. Double KB Suitcase Deadlift – 10 reps (Women: 16k+, Men: 24k+, uneven weights okay)
  3. 1-Arm KB Rows – 10 reps + 1-Arm Row Hold – 20 seconds (Women: 12k+, Men: 20k+)
  4. ISO Bridge with 1-Arm Floor Press – 8 reps each side (Women: 12k+, Men: 20k+)
  5. ISO Split Squat with KB Chest Press Out – 30 seconds each side (Women: 12k+, Men: 20k+)

Finisher – Complete each exercise for specified time, rest 15 seconds between exercises, 30 seconds between rounds. 3 rounds.

  1. ISO Box Step Down (modify with Squat hold to lunge tap down) – 20 seconds each side
  2. Power Box Step Ups (modify with jump squats or fast squats) – 40 seconds
  3. Decline Bodyweight Renegade Row – 30 seconds
  4. Decline Mountain Jumper – 30 seconds

If you liked this workout you’ll love Kettlebell-Isometrics. PLUS it’s 2-for-1 this week—you’ll also get Kettlebell Powerbuilding with your purchase! This is a deal you can’t refuse. Get all the details and order here.

— Forest

new KB Press/Squat/Row/Burpee Complex

I wanted to share a new KB Press/Squat/Row/Burpee Complex with you. This is part of the Kettlebell workout plan we’re doing this month at FVT, and let me tell you, it’s surprisingly tough!

Now, a quick disclaimer: though I share sample workouts, this doesn’t mean that you should create a workout plan by just randomly piecing them together. You need a well-structured program that accounts for your training schedule, ensures proper recovery, and balances muscle groups to optimize development and prevent injury.

That’s why I recommend, if you’re local, reaching out to us to see how we can help with one of our personal training programs. We will custom design not just a single one-off workout, but a complete training plan designed just for you. Reply directly to this message!

If you’re not in the Lee’s Summit, MO area, check out Extreme KB Conditioning—my newest online, home-based kettlebell program. This program is not quite as individualized, but it does incorporate all the elements that a solid training plan should such as progressive overload, proper recovery, and more. We start together as a group this week, and you can sign up here –>> Extreme KB Cardio Conditioning 2.0

Okay, now here’s the sample workout:

KB Press/Squat/Row/Burpee Complex

Do as many reps as you can of each exercise in 30 seconds. Rest for 5 seconds between moves. Complete 4 rounds total:

— KB Press (right side)
— KB Rack Squat (right side)
— KB 1-Arm Row (right side)
— KB Press (left side)
— KB Rack Squat (left side)
— KB 1-Arm Row (left side)
— Burpees


If you’re local, reach out to us to see how we can help with one of our personal training programs. We will custom design not just a single one-off workout, but a complete training plan designed just for you. Reply directly to this message.

If you’re not in the Lee’s Summit, MO area, check out Extreme KB Conditioning—my newest online, home-based kettlebell program. This program is not quite as individualized, but it does incorporate all the elements that a solid training plan should such as progressive overload, proper recovery, and more. We start together as a group this week, and you can sign up here: Extreme KB Cardio Conditioning 2.0

— Forest Vance
MS – Human Movement
Kettlebell Expert
Over 40 Specialist