Free Sample 20-min REGENERATE Flexibility / Mobility / Recovery Workout

Free Sample 20-min REGENERATE Flexibility / Mobility / Recovery Workout

PART 1 – Set your timer for 7 minutes. Start with one Turkish get up on the right side with no weight. Do one Turkish get up on the left side with no weight. Do another rep on the right side with a light weight. Do another rep on the left side with a light weight. Do another rep on the right side with a heavier weight. Do another rep on the left side with a heavier weight. Keep doing reps with the heaviest weight, alternating sides on each rep, until the 7 minutes is up.

PART 2 – Do as many T push ups as you can in 30 seconds. Rest for 15 seconds. Do as many KB rows as you can in 30 seconds on the right side. Rest for 15 seconds. Do as many KB rows as you can in 30 seconds on the left side. Rest for 15 seconds. Repeat the entire sequence three more times for a total of four rounds.

PART 3 – Abs / conditioning circuit – do as many reps as you can of each move in 45 seconds; rest for 15 seconds between moves; rest for 60 second between rounds; do 3 rounds total (depending on time):

Single arm Kettlebell swings (22.5 secs per side)

X-Body Mountain Climber – burpees

Side Plank for hip mobility / activation – (bottom knee down / lift top leg) 

KB goblet Pulse squat


I wanted to share something with you that could really help you – the 28-day REGENERATE Challenge.

I’ve worked on my flexibility and mobility for years and it’s been a total game-changer for my daily life. I used to wake up feeling like I’d been hit by a truck but now I feel great and ready to go. Movements that used to be hard like burpees are now much easier and my posture has improved too.

That’s why I’m excited to introduce this challenge. It’s all about reducing pain, moving better and recovering faster with just 3 x 20 minute sessions a week.

Here’s the breakdown:

— Weekly Workout Plan: Easy to follow exercises to keep things interesting and track your progress.

— Mobility and Flexibility Tests: Test yourself at the beginning and end of the challenge

— Live Walk-Thru Videos: Clear instructions to make sure you’re doing each exercise correctly.

— Supportive Community: Stay motivated with our private group where you can share progress and ask questions.

— FREE Bonuses: 33 Kettlebell Challenge Workouts, Sport Yoga Series 2.0, Mobility/Flexibility Workshop Cheat Sheets, Kettlebell Isometrics 2.0

I’ve made it simple and easy to follow to improve your flexibility and overall health. Starts Monday July 29th. Click below for details:

–>> Next Page

If you want to feel great and move better this challenge might be for you.

— Forest Vance
MS Human Movement

17-minute KB Mobility / Recovery Workout

For many people, the kettlebell is a great way to get a workout in.

But what about when your body is aching and you need to stretch?

This is where today’s 17-minute KB Mobility / Recovery Workout comes in.

This type of workout is designed to help you stretch and loosen up your muscles, as well as improve your range of motion.

It’s perfect as an add-on to your existing routine if you’re already in a regular groove with your training, OR as a complete routine if you’re just getting back into things!

If you liked it, registration is also going to be opening for my full 28-Day Flexibility Challenge later this week, where you’ll be able to increase your range of motion up to 55% (or more) in just 28-days, while improving recovery time and decreasing pain, all at the same time.

Let’s give this 17-minute KB Mobility / Recovery Workout a try:


17-minute KB Mobility / Recovery Workout

Do as many reps as you can of the first move in 30 seconds. Rest for 15 seconds. Do as many reps as you can of the second move in 30 seconds. Rest for 15 seconds. Repeat for all exercises in the sequence. Rest for 60 seconds after completing the last exercise in the sequence; repeat three more times for a total of four rounds:

– Single Arm KB Swings (15 seconds per side)
– Downward Dog Toe Taps
– Alternating Reverse KB Tactical Lunges
– Reverse Snow angels
– X Jacks


If you’re feeling achy and need a workout that will stretch and strengthen you, this 17-minute KB Mobility / Recovery Workout could be just what you need to feel better in no time.

If you liked it, registration is also going to be opening for my full 28-Day Flexibility Challenge later this week, where you’ll be able to increase your range of motion up to 55% (or more) in just 28-days, while improving recovery time and decreasing pain, all at the same time.

Stay tuned!

–Forest Vance
Master of Science, Human Movement
Certified Kettlebell Instructor
Corrective Exercise Specialist

PS – One final call for the 5×5 Kettlebell Challenge – Summer 2024 “Lean and Jacked” sale:

-> 5×5 Kettlebell – Last Call


Gain strength and size using the tried-and-true 5×5 method, but with the added twist of kettlebells!

Build functional fitness anywhere with just three to four, 20-30 minute KB workouts each week.


Forest Vance


  • The 5×5 Kettlebell Challenge – 28-day training plan for strength and muscle
  • Kettlebell Basics WODs – “Fight Gone Bad” Edition
  • “How to Lose the Last 10-15 Pounds” Carb Cycling Workshop with Forest
  • 30 Days to More Pull Ups Plan
  • (limited time bonus) Kettlebell 5×5 2.0 – an all-new, additional 28-day kettlebell plan that you can do after you’ve completed the first one


-> 5×5 Kettlebell – Last Call

5×5 Kettlebell Challenge – Week 4 / Workout 1

The original 5×5, a classic strength training protocol developed by Bill Starr in the 70’s is for building both strength and size through 5 sets of 5 reps on chosen exercises. This is a time proven way to build power and mass.

Now we’re going to give the 5×5 a modern twist with kettlebells –> 5×5 Kettlebell Method for Strength + Muscle

Here’s how you can do it:

5×5 Kettlebell Challenge – Week 4 / Workout 1

PART 1 – Do 5 reps of the first exercise. Rest 60-120 seconds. Do 5 reps of the second exercise, rest 60-120 seconds. Alternate between the two exercises for a total of 5 rounds. Once you can do 5 sets of 5 reps for each exercise, it’s time to progress – change your tempo, reduce rest time, choose a harder variation or increase the weight:

– Single / Double KB Press (5 reps per side) – Single / Double KB Swing (5 reps per side for single arm swings / 5 reps total for double swings)

PART 2 – Do 5 reps of the first exercise. Rest 60-120 seconds. Do 5 reps of the second exercise, rest 60-120 seconds. Alternate between the two exercises for a total of 5 rounds. Once you can do 5 sets of 5 reps for each exercise, it’s time to progress – change your tempo, reduce rest time, choose a harder variation or increase the weight:

– Single / Double KB Row (If no heavier weights are available, do 10-15 reps for rows) – Single / Double KB Squat

PART 3 – Do the following circuit with no rest between exercises. Rest 1 minute after the circuit. Do the circuit 2 more times for a total of 3 rounds, rest 1 minute between each round:

– Total Body Extension – 30 seconds – Push-up Plank – 30 seconds – Lying Bridge Hold – 30 seconds – Jumping Jack – 30 seconds

Watch the video that shows you how to do this workout here:

With the Kettlebell 5×5 Method you’ll use the classic 5×5 template but you’ll use kettlebell exercises which will help you gain strength and size, build your core, mobility and avoid injury all at the same time.

Learn more on the next page:

–> Kettlebell 5×5 – July 2024 “Lean and Jacked” Sale

— Forest Vance
Master of Science, Human Movement
Kettlebell Expert
Over 40 Specialist

“Steel Warrior” 25-Minute KB Strength Challenge (Free Workout Inside)

One thing about gaining strength and muscle is that the workouts can often be quite lengthy. If we’re talking about a traditional approach where you drive to the gym, focus on one or two body parts for the day, and then drive home, it’s at least 90 minutes out of your day, if not more!

The good news is, it doesn’t have to be that way when you have Kettlebell 5×5 on your side.

Take this “Steel Warrior” 25-Minute KB Strength Challenge, for example. It’s designed in the style of my Kettlebell 5×5 Method program and focuses on the following to give you an effective workout for muscle and strength, any time, any place:

  • Compound Exercises: Compound exercises work multiple muscles simultaneously, helping you get more done in less time.
  • Non-competing Supersets: A non-competing superset is a workout technique where you perform two exercises back-to-back that target different muscle groups or body parts, such as a leg exercise followed by an arm exercise, without resting in between. This is a technique that can potentially cut workout time in half.
  • Push Close to Failure: …because fatigue is a prerequisite for muscle growth.
  • Focus on Form: Good form helps you get the most out of every set, and stay safer than last time.
  • Rest 60–120 Seconds Between Sets and Reps: Moderate rest is recommended for muscle growth.
  • Do 5–12 Reps Per Set: This rep range is considered optimal for muscle growth.

“Steel Warrior” 25-Minute KB Strength Challenge



  • Do 5 reps of exercise one. Rest 60-120 seconds.
  • Do 5 reps of exercise two. Rest 60-120 seconds.
  • Repeat, completing a total of five rounds.
  • When you can achieve 5 sets of 5 reps of each exercise, progress by adjusting lifting tempo, reducing rest period, picking a harder exercise variation, or increasing weight.


  1. Single/Double KB Snatch
  2. Single/Double KB Floor Press (If no heavier weights are available, you can go to 10-15 reps on your floor presses)


  • Do 5 reps of exercise one. Rest 60-120 seconds.
  • Do 5 reps of exercise two. Rest 60-120 seconds.
  • Repeat, completing a total of five rounds.
  • When you can achieve 5 sets of 5 reps of each exercise, progress by adjusting lifting tempo, reducing rest period, picking a harder exercise variation, or increasing weight.


  1. Single/Double KB Split Squat
  2. Single/Double KB Renegade Row


  • Do as many reps as you can of each exercise in 60 seconds.
  • No rest between moves; do 2 rounds total.


  • Squat Jumps
  • Inchworms
  • Alternating Double KB Row
  • Sprawls

If you want to gain strength and muscle in a short amount of time at home with kettlebells, it CAN be done! However, you need a very specific, progressive, and methodical plan that focuses on the right things to do it effectively.

Today’s sample workout incorporates compound movements, uses non-competing supersets, focuses on good form, has you pushing close to failure, provides the right amount of rest, and targets the optimal rep ranges for muscle growth.

If you want a full program that will show you exactly how to gain more muscle and strength in less time at home with your KBs, check out my Kettlebell 5×5 Method. It’s on sale this week:

-> The Kettlebell 5×5 Method

Cheers to your continued success!

— Forest Vance
Master of Science, Human Movement
Kettlebell Expert
Over 40 Specialist

Week 1 / Workout 2 – Kettlebell 5×5

You heard of “Kettlebell 5×5”?

–> 5×5 Kettlebell Method for Strength + Muscle

Let me explain how it works and give you a sample workout.

The original 5×5 is a strength building protocol based on basic compound exercises – squats, deadlifts, bench press etc. You do 5 sets of 5 reps of each exercise, hence “5×5”. You increase weight as you go and maintain good form. Simple and intense for strength and lean muscle!

Now we have our newest addition – The Kettlebell 5×5 Program! With the Kettlebell 5×5 Method you’ll use the classic 5×5 template but you’ll use kettlebell exercises which will help you gain strength and size, build your core, mobility and avoid injury all at the same time.

Learn more on the next page:

–> Kettlebell 5×5 – July 2024 “Lean and Jacked” Sale

Now. When doing 5×5 with kettlebells we need to be a bit more strategic. With barbells you can just increase the weight as soon as you can do 5 sets of 5 reps. But kettlebell weights tend to jump bigger.

So we’ll play around with the details like tempo, rest periods, exercise variations etc.

Here is an example workout. (Details on how to progress from one ‘bell to two, how to increase overload WITHOUT upping the weight as an option etc are in the full program and video breakdowns):

KB 5×5 – WEEK 1 / WORKOUT 2

PART 1 – Do 5 KB clean and presses on the right side. Rest 60-120 seconds. Do 5 KB clean and presses on the left side. Rest 60-120 seconds. Go back to side one and do 5 rounds. When you can do 5 sets of 5 reps progress – adjust lifting tempo, reduce rest period, choose a harder exercise variation or increase weight.

PART 2 – Do exercise one. Rest 60-120 seconds. Do exercise 2. Rest 60-120 seconds. Go back to exercise one and do 5 rounds. When you can do 5 sets of movement #1 progress – adjust lifting tempo, reduce rest period, choose a harder exercise variation or increase weight:

— Turkish Get Up – 1 per side
— Single arm KB rows – 12 reps per side

PART 3 – Do as many reps as you can of exercise one in 30 seconds. Rest for 15 seconds. Do as many reps as you can of exercise two in 30 seconds. Rest for 15 seconds. Do 3 rounds total:

— Close push ups
— Jumping jacks
— KB crush curl
— High knees in place

Details on how to progress from one ‘bell to two, how to increase overload WITHOUT upping the weight as an option etc are in the full program and video breakdowns. Click here to learn more and start now:

–> Kettlebell 5×5 – Strength and Size Training System

Cheers to gaining strength and lean muscle in less time with Kettlebell 5×5!

— Forest Vance
Master of Science, Human Movement
Kettlebell Expert
Over 40 Specialist

300-Rep Kettlebell Bootcamp Workout

I remember the first time I did a performance based workout like the original 300 session.

It was a game changer for me!

Being able to measure my progress and see myself getting stronger and better was so motivating.

I wanted to bring that to my clients at a recent Bootcamp and give it a “kettlebell twist”.

Here’s a sneak peak:


300-Rep Kettlebell Bootcamp Workout from Summer 2024 – Spartan Inferno Sale

Perform as many reps as possible of each exercise in 60 seconds. No rest between moves (running clock). Complete three rounds in total. Can you hit 300 reps?

  • Kettlebell Swings, Any Style!
  • Push-Ups, Any Style!
  • Kettlebell Goblet Lunges, Any Style!
  • 1-Arm Kettlebell Rows
  • Jumping Jacks


Ever seen the movie 300?

Remember how ripped Gerard Butler and his co-stars looked?

That ripped physique was partly thanks to a special workout regimen designed by Mark Twight.

His 300 rep, high-intensity, metabolic-conditioning routine went viral about a decade ago.

Now, it’s YOUR turn to sculpt a Spartan-like body – with my Spartan 300-rep KB Challenge.

Inspired by the same principles as the original 300 workout, my program adds a kettlebell twist.

This program includes:

— Spartan 300-rep KB Challenge Workouts – Transform your body in 28 days with just 1 kettlebell.

— Flexibility and Efficiency – Only 20-30 minutes of your day, 3-4 times a week.

— Challenging, Fun and Unique Training Methods – Every session is designed to boost your metabolism and define your muscles through dynamic, performance-based exercises.

And it’s on a “Summer Spartan Inferno” sale 🙂

See the full workout plan at the page below:

-> Spartan 300-rep KB Challenge

– Forest Vance
Master of Science, Human Movement
Kettlebell Expert
Over 40 Training Specialist

300 Kettlebell Challenge 2.0 – Week 1 “Benchmark” (free workout inside)

300 Kettlebell Challenge 2.0 – Week 1 Benchmark Workout: 300 Kettlebell Challenge “Spartan Inferno” 28-day Training Plan

Check out this free sample workout from my “300” KB Challenge! Grab the full program at the link below during the Summer 2024 – Spartan Inferno Sale: “300” Kettlebell Challenge

Unleash your inner warrior and sculpt a fearless Spartan physique in just 28 days!


🔥300 Kettlebell Challenge 2.0 – Week 1 “Benchmark” Workout💪

Do the sequence of exercise below as fast as possible. Make note of weights used. Time yourself. Record your performance so that you can see how you improve:

– 20 two hand KB swings

– 20 regular push ups

– 10 split squats per side

– 10 1 arm KB rows per side

– 20 jumping jacks

– 10 one hand KB swings per side

– 20 close grip push ups

– 10 alternating reverse lunges per side

– 10 palms facing away 1 arm KB rows per side

– 20 X jacks

– 20 hand to hand KB swings (10 per side)

– 20 wide grip push ups

– 10 alternating front lunges per side

– 10 palms facing towards 1 arm KB rows per side

– 20 seal jacks


Grab the full “300” Kettlebell Challenge program at this link during the Summer 2024 – Spartan Inferno Sale: “300” Kettlebell Challenge

-Forest Vance

“Spartan Fury” 300-rep Kettlebell – Abs Obliteration Challenge

I still remember the first time I picked up a kettlebell. It was over 15 years ago, and I was looking for something to mix things up. I had just retired from pro football and wanted to stay in shape. A buddy of mine who was into kettlebells handed me a 35# and said “try this out”. Little did I know that one moment would spark a lifelong passion for kettlebell training.

That first session was tough—I was sore for days—but I was hooked. The versatility and intensity of kettlebells was exactly what I was looking for. Since then I’ve created countless routines and programs for my clients and myself and have seen firsthand how kettlebells can change bodies and lives. Today I’m going to share one of my favorite kettlebell workouts with you: the “Spartan Fury” 300-rep Kettlebell – Abs Obliteration Challenge . This will challenge you to your limits and give you abs and full body a burn like no other. Let’s get started!


“Spartan Fury” 300-rep Kettlebell – Abs Obliteration Challenge 

PART 1 (90 reps total) – Perform the prescribed number of reps of the first exercise listed below. Rest for 30 seconds. Repeat three times WITHOUT moving on the next exercise in the sequence. Rest for 60 seconds after you finish the round, then repeat two more times for a total of three rounds:

  • 10 hand to hand KB swings (5 per side)
  • 5 one arm KB presses per side
  • 5 lateral KB lunges per side (alternate legs each rep)

PART 2 (90 reps total) – Complete three rounds of the pair of exercises below as fast as possible. Alternate back and forth between exercises:

  • 10 1-arm KB rows per side
  • 10 spider climbs (5 per side); (alternate legs each rep) add a push up after doing a rep on each side / do 5 push ups total

PART 3 (120 reps total) – Set your timer to go off every 60 seconds. At the top of each minute, perform the prescribed number of reps of exercise one. Your rest is the time between when you finish your set and the next minute starts. Move on to the next exercise in the sequence and repeat. Continue in the same fashion through four rounds of the circuit total: 

  • 5 burpees
  • 5 side plank hold with leg raise per side

15 prone skydivers – arms + legs straight (hold for one second at top of each rep)


Congrats on completing the 300-Rep Kettlebell Challenge! That was no easy task and if you made it to the end you should be proud of yourself.

My #1 selling program of all time, the “300” Spartan Kettlebell Challenge is going on sale this week! This program has helped thousands of people achieve their fitness goals and now it’s your turn. Don’t miss out on the chance to change your body and take your kettlebell training to the next level.

Keep pushing, stay strong, and as always, train like a warrior —

— Forest Vance – Master of Science, Human Movement – Kettlebell Expert – Over 40 Training Specialist – –

KB for ABS Challenge Workout – AFAP Strength Circuit

Summer is here!

Looking to get those abs in shape?

That’s why I’ve included my complete Kettlebells for Abs program in the Ageless Warrior Gladiator Challenge, which is on sale this weekend.

Take a look at a sample from the program, and grab your copy at the link below:

–>> Kettlebells for Abs (one of 13 workouts, meal plans, and hormone optimization courses included in the 42-day Ageless Warrior Gladiator Challenge)


KB for ABS Challenge Workout – AFAP Strength Circuit

Complete 3 rounds of the following circuit as fast as possible. Rest as needed. Record your time, try to improve each week.

1 – KB rack squat – 8/ea (Women:12k+,Men: 20k+)

2 – Push-ups with plank step outs – 8/ea

3 – KB “Bottom Hand” Windmill – 5/ea (Women:8k+,Men: 16k+)

4 – prone “lat pull downs” with towel or band – 15 5 – 1-bell KB Renegade Row – 6/ea (Women:12k+,Men: 20k+)

AFAP Finisher – Complete 4 rounds of the following as fast as possible. Resting as needed.

1 – KB Burpee Deadlift – 10 (Women:16k+,Men: 24k+)

2 – KB Tall Kneeling Halo – 5/ea direction (Women:12k+,Men: 20k+)


Did you watch Gladiator with Russell Crowe?

Remember how he ruled the arena with calculated strength and power?

His training and discipline turned him into an unstoppable machine.

Now imagine channeling that into your own life.

Welcome to the Ageless Warrior Gladiator Challenge!

You’ll learn from 13 experts in training, nutrition, hormone optimization, and more, all specializing in working with people over 40, then put their knowledge into action. 

This special offer includes comprehensive workout plans, meal plans, hormone-boosting strategies, and everything you need to achieve your Ageless Warrior goals in the next 42 days.

Learn more here –>> Next Page

-Forest Vance – Master of Science, Human Movement – Kettlebell Expert – Over 40 Training Specialist – –

1776 Rep “Kettlebell Revolution” Workout

Check out this 1776 Rep “Kettlebell Revolution” Workout!

This is a 4th of July-themed workout, inspired by 1776 when the USA declared its independence. Give it a try to test your strength, cardio conditioning, and mental toughness!

If you want hundreds more workouts – some in the style of this one, and many more to fit most any fitness goal – grab a copy of the 42-day Ageless Warrior Gladiator Challenge, on flash sale for Independence Day 2024:

-> 42-day Ageless Warrior Gladiator Challenge – Independence Day Flash Sale

This challenge is a steal, here’s what you get:

  • Jonathan Haas – Vital Force
  • Travis Stoetzel – The Daily 250
  • Nick Nilsson – Two Block Mass
  • Geoff Neupert – Rebuilt After 40
  • Forest Vance – Feed the Beast
  • Funk Roberts – Over 40 Alpha Fat Loss Shred
  • Dr. Mike T Nelson – Flex Diet Foundations
  • Aaron Hines – The Mental Reps Method
  • Logan Christopher – Upgrade Your Testosterone
  • Matt Hill – 28 Day Systema Programme
  • Josh Cate – Goal Setting for 2024 and Beyond
  • LIFETIME access to all Ageless Warrior Summit presentations

This is a lot of value. You’re not just getting workouts—you’re getting a full package to transform your body and mind with lifetime access to all the resources.

Here’s the workout:

3 person teams will work together to complete 1776 reps total.

(If you’re rolling solo, do 592 reps total instead.)

Teams can distribute reps across exercises as they choose, as long as each team member contributes.

Team members can rotate exercises as needed, take breaks when needed and keep the workout continuous.

If you’re doing the workout by yourself, distribute reps across exercises however you wish, rotate exercises and take breaks as needed… but you’ll just do 592 total reps instead of 1776.

Make sure all exercises are done with proper form and technique.


Single Arm Kettlebell Press

Kettlebell Swings

Recline Rows

Bodyweight Squats

Jumping Jacks


Box Step-Ups

1-Arm Kettlebell Rows

Walking Lunges


Example Breakdown (team):

Single Arm Kettlebell Press: 200 reps

Kettlebell Swings: 200 reps

Recline Rows: 200 reps

Bodyweight Squats: 200 reps

Jumping Jacks: 200 reps

Push-Ups: 200 reps

Box Step-Ups: 200 reps

1-Arm Kettlebell Rows: 200 reps

Walking Lunges: 200 reps

Burpees: 176 reps

Example Breakdown (solo):

Single Arm Kettlebell Press: 67 reps

Kettlebell Swings: 67 reps

Recline Rows: 67 reps

Bodyweight Squats: 67 reps

Jumping Jacks: 67 reps

Push-Ups: 67 reps

Box Step-Ups: 67 reps

1-Arm Kettlebell Rows: 67 reps

Walking Lunges: 67 reps

Burpees: 59 reps

Rotation Strategy:

OPTION 1 – Circuit Style: Set up stations for each exercise and rotate every 2-3 minutes or after a set number of reps.

OPTION 2 – Team Relay: One person does an exercise while others rest or do another exercise. Rotate through until total reps are done.

OPTION 3 – Solo Workout: Distribute reps across exercises however you wish, rotate exercises and take breaks as needed… but you’ll just do 592 total reps instead of 1776.

Happy 4th of July!

— Forest and the Ageless Warrior Summit Team

PS – If you want hundreds more workouts – some in the style of this one, and many more to fit most any fitness goal – grab a copy of the 42-day Ageless Warrior Gladiator Challenge, on flash sale for Independence Day 2024:

-> 42-day Ageless Warrior Gladiator Challenge – Independence Day Flash Sale