Win A Free Copy Of The New Quick Start Guide!

I’m really excited about this new kettlebell training manual … it’s been in the works for a while and it’s finally coming to fruition.  The Quick Start Guide is going to be released next Monday, January 25th, 2010 … it’s a guide I’ve put together to help you learn the basics of safe and effective kettlebell training.  It brings together all the ideas we’ve covered thus far here on – and obviously a lot more – into an instructional manual and workout guide.  Click HERE for a little more detailed info on the new product.

As an appreciation to the readers of this blog, I’m going to do a little contest: I’ll be giving away two free copies of the guide on the 25th.  The catch: just leave a comment on this post detailing your #1 problem or frustration with learning the basics of kettlebell training before 12am Monday morning.  That’s it!  Pretty simple way to get somethin’ for free … all I’ll ask is for a little feedback from the winners after they’ve reviewed the guide.

So leave a comment already and get yourself entered to win!

23 thoughts on “Win A Free Copy Of The New Quick Start Guide!

  1. Jim

    Well I am in! Okay after Saturday I don’t think I need it so give to another well deserving soul. For me, defining goals would be the hardest thing. I need to lose fat yet need to be much stronger. Kettlebells I think are the ultimate path to combine both. I guess I need to focus on the basics of swings, get ups, goblet (gobble) squats and take those to a routine of higher levels and higher weights. The HKC does not mention a weight like the RKC but I am not sure if one can proceed from HKC to be prepared for the RKC challenge in a mere 12 months. In any case, I will focus on my first goal of HKC and see where that goes.

    Thanks for all of your hard work Forest. Well, we all know you take delight in training us so thank you for doing what you love to do.

    PS – Yes I do call them gobble squats. Don’t blame me. Andrea didn’t have a microphone! 😉

    1. admin

      I agree, Jim – defining goals can be a challenge. In my experience, focusing on one or the other – i.e. fat loss, muscle gain, etc. – instead of trying to do both at the same time can be the most effective approach. And yes – challenging yourself to work with bigger weights is important too. Sometimes when you’re training by yourself it’s tough to step it up – but it’s essential to keep progressing.

  2. I’ve been going through ETK and have about 6 weeks left. I started with a 16kg and did five five rung ladders with the 16kg on my first week of the Rite of Passage. I have just started working with the 24kg. I’ve snatched the 24kg twice with each hand, had a few balance issues and nearly tossed it behind me with my left hand. Banged both of my forearms pretty good too. So definitely need to do some work on my snatch. Particularly since after ETK I’d to do Viking Warrior Conditioning which 100% snatch driven.

    My main issue right now, however, is the clean. It has slowly gotten a little bit better over the last few weeks, but now that I am using the 24kg, I am even more concerned about form. Sometimes I bang my forearms a bit which might become problematic as I approach 80 reps per arm. The times I don’t bang my forearm, I usually end up with the bell a little too far out the side, almost broken arm position and I have concerns that it could lead to elbow issues due to the torque involved. I am a ways off before moving up to the 32kg, but unless my form is corrected I do not think I will be able to safely do so.

    1. admin

      I agree with you Trent – the Clean is a tough one to master. Remember – perfect form first, then worry about programming. I had the same issue as you when I was starting out – when I (a) started really studying and paying attention to perfect form and (b) started practicing every day is when I really saw fast improvements – so doing those things is my advice to you.

  3. Dan Szepesi

    thanks again for the training session – it was worth the drive from san ramon to sacramento. i am stuck with a crappy hotel gym for the rest of the trip but i can’t wait to get home to my kettlebells and start focusing on technique again.

    1. admin

      Any time Dan – thanks for coming down. Glad you got something out of the session. Work that Program Minimum! Sounds like you’ll have to be creative and do some body weight work for the rest of the trip 🙂

  4. Isaac

    I think the hardest part of kettlebell training, is coming from a traditional bigger faster stronger weight training mentallity to the kettlebell is challenging. Using the awkward bell vs. say a traditional olympic bar and weights has definately been a challenge, but with practice i continue to get better and better

    1. admin

      So true Issac – I’m really coming from a similar background. But that’s the whole point – the awkward shape of the kettlebell challenges you in a way more traditional implements like barbells and dumbells don’t.

  5. Will

    as a “former athele turned coach potato” coming off a an achilles tear I felt that there was not a lot of cardio I could do. I have been researching strength and conditioning along with functional training and the kettlebell keeps coming up. Picked one up in the store and quickly realized they don’t work like dumbells. Trying to get some insight on technique so I don’t hurt myslf. Like bodyweight stuff and weight training so this seems like a good fit.

  6. admin

    That’s one of my favorite things about kettlebells too, Will – learn to train with them properly and you need not ‘dishonor’ yourself with cardio, as Pavel would say 🙂

  7. Pingback: Kettlebell Basics » How To Fix Your Kettlebell Clean

  8. Mike Polk

    The turkish get up never feels natural and I am not sure I am doing it right. One friend of mine suggested not thinking at all and just trying to get up like you would if you had to hold a weight over your head. Also, piecing together the various exercises for a comprehensive workout program is a little of a mystery. There seem to be a lot of workouts on youtube for instance, but I am not sure which are the most effective. I ordered a structured program, so hopefully that will help. Thanks for taking the time to do this. As someone who has never had a lot of strength, it has been great. For some reason I don’t dread a kettlebell/bodyweight workout as much as a traditional workout. Maybe it is because the intensity level is high enough I don’t feel like I have to spend an hour a day on fitness. Thanks again.

  9. admin

    Yes Mike, I totally agree that a comprehensive program is really hard to find – there’s a lot of random info out there on kettlebell training but not much putting everything together. Hopefully the Quick Start Guide will help solve that problem 😉

    Also, the get-up actually does have pretty specific steps – maybe check out the post I did on it a while back if you haven’t already.

    Take care


  10. Diego Lacerda

    I’m new in kb world… My big problem in kettlebell was TGU… very very hard but i’m learning.
    I hope the quick start guide help me more.

    Thanks for chance!

  11. admin

    A agree, Diego – the TGU is a difficult movement to master, but once you get it down it helps with so many things … core strength, shoulder stability and mobility, hip mobility, etc.

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