Two Easy Exercise Modifications for Kettlebell Beginners

I’ve been getting a lot of emails lately from folks that are just getting started with kettlebell training …

And I’m realizing that a lot of the kettlebell routines I’ve put up over the last couple of months are geared towards intermediate or even advanced kettlebell enthusiasts.

So I thought I’d shoot a quick video to show you a couple of modifications I use every day with my training clients who are beginners, are still learning and perfecting their form, are dealing with an injury, etc.  You can use these mods with many more ‘advanced’ kettlebell workouts to get more out of them (or even be able to attempt them in the first place).

The two modifications I cover in the video are for the two ‘base’ HardStyle kettlebell moves, the swing and the Turkish get up.  I hope the video helps you out, and I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comment section below the post:

P.S. The Kettlebell Basics Swing Manual is a great place to get started if you’re looking to learn the basics of kettlebell training the right way.  In it, I go over the sumo deadlift progression I discussed in the video above, along with a ton of additonal technique tips like it … it also takes you through a 12 week program designed for fat loss, lean muscle gain, and kettlebell swing mastery.  Learn more about it by clicking the link below:

2 thoughts on “Two Easy Exercise Modifications for Kettlebell Beginners

  1. Pingback: Kettlebell Workout for Firefighters | Kettlebell Basics

  2. Pingback: Kettlebells For Seniors (part 2) | Kettlebell Basics

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