I’m very excited to announce that our new Kettlebell Workshop DVDs are now available for purchase!
*** Grab the KB Basics and Advance Workshop DVDs at your special “launch discount” price here ***
I met Logan Christopher – my partner on this project – at the beginning of this year at an industry event. If you don’t know Logan, he is a wild guy and does some pretty crazy stuff – juggling kettlebells that are lit on fire, for example:
Anyway, Logan and I stayed in contact, and eventually decided to do a kettlebell workshop together. (You may have heard me mention the workshop, or you might have even attended yourself!)
The event was a great success. We covered everything from the basics of safe and effective technique on all the basic moves (the swing, Turkish get up, snatch, clean, press) to the crazy (like overspeed training techniques, kettlebell juggling)
Whether you were at the workshop or not, the good news for you is that we got the event professionally filmed and edited. And as of today, it is officially available on DVD.
I’m really pumped about this project, as it’s the first one of its kind that I’ve done (90% of my current products are digitally delivered).
I wanted you, a loyal FVT reader, to be the first to know about it – and to get the chance to grab it at a discounted price.
=> Grab the KB Basics and Advance Workshop DVDs at your special “launch discount” price here
Hope you’re having a great day, and talk soon –
Forest Vance, MS, RKC