The weather here in Northern California is perfect this time of year for outdoor kettlebell workouts.
One of my favorite things to do is to bring a KB with me to the park, and do a high intensity workout like this one:
15 swings
10 burpees
5 pull ups
run approx 200 yards
Do 3-5 rounds as fast as possible!
Of course, it depends on your goals, as to how you would incorporate a work out like this into your overall routine.
What I personally do – and if your goals are to emphasize strength, but also stay lean, and in top condition, I recommend you do the same – is to do a kettlebell workout like this one about once a week.
It’s kind of like a ‘variety/conditioning’ day, and I will change it up every week
Then I have two additional, more strength-based, structured, progressive workouts that I do as well. These do not change every week – rather I’m working on getting stronger and better and more efficient at the movements and the poundages and everything else in those workouts.
And then I’ll do two or three more 30 to 45 minute bike rides or hikes.
Crank this work out this weekend if you want to get some extra conditioning work, and get out for some fun in the sun!
Train hard –
– Forest Vance
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