Registration for the October 21st, 2017 CORE Kettlebell Workshop in Costa Mesa, CA is LIVE!
“Kettlebell Hacks” is our most-viewed, most-downloaded, best-selling video series.
In the series, I break down tips and tricks to help you learn the basics of kettlebell training, quickly and easily.
Well over the last few weeks I have posted several new videos on the YouTube Channel, all around the basic kettlebell exercises.
It’s like Kettlebell Hacks “2.0”!
Now these videos are short, but very to-the-point. So be sure to pay close attention when you review them – I think you’ll pick up some tips and tricks that will help you rapidly improve your kettlebell form, and start getting better results!
Video Series – Kettlebell Hacks “2.0”
Kettlebell Exercises for Beginners – the Squat
Kettlebell Exercises for Beginners – the Two Hand Swing
Kettlebell Exercises for Core – Hand to Hand Swing
Kettlebell Exercises for Core – the One Hand Swing
Kettlebell Exercises for Beginners – the Box Squat
Kettlebell Exercises for Strength – Start and Stop Swing
All of the videos in this series were filmed at the last CORE Kettlebell Workshop. We only do one of these per year at FVT, but we just opened registration for another one in Costa Mesa, CA on October 21st. If you want to get coaching and help from me in person, this is a great opportunity. Snag your early bird discount spot while they still remain at the link below:
=> CORE Kettlebell Workshop October 21st, 2017 in Costa Mesa, CA
Thanks for checking out the new “Kettlebell Hacks 2.0” Video Series. I think you’ll pick up some tips and tricks that will help you rapidly improve your kettlebell form, and start getting better results!
– Forest Vance
Master of Science, Human Movement
creator, the CORE Kettlebell System