28 Day KB Shred – Sample Workout

*The first week of 28 Day KB Shred workouts goes out tomorrow. We are down to ~10 spots. Details and how to register copied at the bottom of this message.

2018 is almost here!

It’s time to get back to the regular swing of your KB workouts (no pun intended)

But here is a message I got from an email subscriber yesterday:

“I love your kettlebell workouts … I keep looking at this (28 Day KB Shred) challenge and am somewhat interested … but I’m just not sure. Maybe I’ll just look at your email workouts.”

And I totally understand where this reader is coming from. She is right to be skeptical. She’s probably tried other things in the past that may not have worked as well as she would have liked. So why trust in this one?

Here are two great reasons:

1 – I have worked with literally thousands of folks using kettlebells to change their fitness and change their lives. Look at our main website at ForestVanceTraining.com, our Yelp reviews, our Google reviews, our Facebook page, etc to see all of our success stories. Look at my blog at ForestVance.com to see the hundreds and hundreds of articles and videos that I have produced on kettlebell training, and just to get to know me and my philosophy. I am the real deal!

2 – In the long run, having an organized, progressive program … that is designed to get you from where you are now, to where you want to be … having rhyme and reason to why you are doing certain workouts on certain days … having me there for coaching, accountability, and feedback any time you want … is going to get you much better results in the long run, than doing random, one-off workouts.

Here is a SAMPLE workout from the 28 Day KB Shred program, just to give you an idea of what the workouts are like “on the other side” (keeping in mind everything I just said in point 2 above):


28 Day KB Shred – Sample Workout

PART 1 – Get as many rounds as you can in 10 minutes of:

1 arm KB swings – 6 reps per side
burpees – 6
KB goblet squats – 9

PART 2 – Set your timer for 60 seconds. Do as many reps as you can of each exercise in 60 seconds. Rest for 15 seconds between exercises. Rest for 60 seconds between circuits:

squat jumps
inverted rows OR 1 arm kettlebell rows
push ups
bodyweight squats
mountain climbers


In the full program, I do want you to know that:

– I provide video demos for each move, so that you know how to do them properly
– I give you recommended weights to use for the KB exercises
– You can post videos of you doing exercises for me to review and give you feedback on form

But, hopefully this sample workout gives you a good idea of what to expect.

Let’s get 2018 off to a record start, together! –

– Forest Vance


KB Shred – 28 Day Challenge

If you’re frustrated with the results you’re getting from your current training program …

If you’re ready to take things to the next level …

My 28 Day KB Challenge could be EXACTLY what you need to make it happen!

But it’s NOT for everyone …

First requirement is that you need to have a kettlebell or two to do the workouts. You don’t need 5 or 10 or 20 or anything like that – but you do need one or two, ideally a 8k or 12k and a 16k or 20k for women, and a 12k or 16k and a 20k or 24k for men.

Second, you need to be able to commit the time to do the workouts. Three to four times per week, 20-30 minutes is what you’ll need.

Third, we have a complete meal planning guide we give to you when you sign up that tells you exactly how and what to eat – you need to be able to commit to following that for at least the 28 days, to really get the best results.

And finally, you need to be SERIOUS about making a change, and be willing to come into the Challenge and the group with a positive, can-do attitude.

If you meet the requirements, here is the link for more details, and to lock in your spot:

=> http://bit.ly/kbshredjan2018

Space is limited to 1st 30 to sign ups (17 pre-filled by existing group coaching clients) – we are down to ~10 remaining spots as I write this.

Look forward to helping you take your fitness to the next level in 2018!

5 Min KB / BW Challenge

Looking for a tough “finisher” to plug in at the end of your workout?

Try this 5 minute KB / BW Challenge (sample from the upcoming 28 Day – KB Shred Challenge training plan):



*recommended C+P weight = 8k / 12k women; 16k / 20k men

– 1 clean + press (right)
– 1 clean + press (left)
– 1 double burpee
– 2 clean + press (right)
– 2 clean + press (left)
– 2 double burpee
– 3 clean + press (right)
– 3 clean + press (left)
– 3 double burpee

… continue in this ascending fashion, “climbing the ladder”, getting as high as you can in 5 minutes!


Good = 5 rounds @ 8k (women) 16k (men)
Great = 7 rounds @ 12k (women) 20k (men)
Fire breather = 9 rounds @ 12k+ (women) 20k+ (men)



We are looking for +/- 15 more people to join us for our first 28 Day KB Shred Challenge of 2018.

If you’re frustrated with the results you’re getting from your current training program …

If you’re ready to take things to the next level …

My 28 Day KB Challenge could be EXACTLY what you need to make it happen!

But it’s NOT for everyone …

First requirement is that you need to have a kettlebell or two to do the workouts. You don’t need 5 or 10 or 20 or anything like that – but you do need one or two, ideally a 8k or 12k and a 16k or 20k for women, and a 12k or 16k and a 20k or 24k for men.

Second, you need to be able to commit the time to do the workouts. Three to four times per week, 20-30 minutes is what you’ll need.

Third, we have a complete meal planning guide we give to you when you sign up that tells you exactly how and what to eat – you need to be able to commit to following that for at least the 28 days, to really get the best results.

And finally, you need to be SERIOUS about making a change, and be willing to come into the Challenge and the group with a positive, can-do attitude.

If you meet the requirements, here is the link for more details, and to lock in your spot:

=> 28 Day KB Shred Challenge

Space is limited to 1st 30 to sign ups (17 pre-filled by existing group coaching clients)

Look forward to helping you take your fitness to the next level in 2018!

– Forest Vance

(new video) Kettlebell Exercises for Core – the Turkish Get Up

Turkish get ups are GREAT for:

– building a strong core
– shoulder mobility + stability
– hip mobility + stability

And MUCH more.

But a lot of people have problems getting the form.

What I recommend to help, is to break down the movement into parts.

So (be sure to both read the breakdown below AND watch the video a few times):

Part 1 = Roll to the side, pull the ‘bell to the body, roll to the back, punch towards the ceiling

Part 2 = Opposite arm, leg go out at 45 degrees

Part 3 = Roll to the elbow, then hand. It’s NOT a sit up!

Part 4 = Foot sweep

Part 5 = Get set, get tight, stand up!

Then, all you need to do is reverse the motion to get back down.

wodstar turksih

(There are a few tips in the video to help with this part of the movement as well – again, be sure to review a few times to get all the important points)

Breaking the Turkish Get Up down into PARTS – as outlined in today’s video – is what helped me to finally “get” the exercise. I hope it does the same for you!

To your success –

– Forest Vance
Certified Kettlebell Instructor
Master of Science, Human Movement

PS – Our next 28 Day KB Shred Challenge starts Monday, January 1st. Details / accepting applications very soon. Don’t miss out!

[new video] Single / Double KB Strength Complex

Sarai will be joining us as head coach in the upcoming KettlebellBasics – Superwoman Strong 8 Week Challenge (details below)

Check out this single / double KB strength complex, done in the style of the program!

Superwoman Strong Single / Double KB Strength Complex

KB Snatch to press x3-5
KB Front rack Squat x 5

— Switch to other side–

Double Kb Swing x12
Mixed Grip pull-up x5 (band assisted)

X 5 rounds



– Are ready to make a serious change
– Feel like guy trainers don’t “get” what women really want when it comes to strength
– Want and need that extra push and accountability to get it done in 2018

This is for you.

Because are looking for 13 more STRONG WOMEN to join us for our upcoming Superwoman Strong 8-week Challenge.

You’ll get:

– Workouts – designed by a women, for women – based on YOUR needs and goals
– Meal plans – designed by a women, for women – based on YOUR needs and goals
– Coaching and motivation for the full 8 weeks

And it starts Jan 1st.

But the only catch is, registration closes this Friday the 22nd of Dec, OR when we hit 25 sign ups – whichever comes first.

SO, if you want IN, please fill out the short application form below, and we’ll get back to you ASAP:


Look forward to hearing from you!

– Forest Vance, Sarai White, and the KettlebellBasics team

Strength vs Plyo “Superwoman Strong” KB / BW Workout

LADIES – 2018 is right around the corner!

What’s your plan?

You should join us for the upcoming Superwoman Strong – 8 Week Challenge (details copied below)

Check out this sample workout from the program:

+Sarai shows you how to do each exercise with video demos; we’ll even give you coaching and feedback on your exercise form as a participant in the Challenge – so many details are left out of the workout below – but this should give you a great idea!+


Strength vs Plyo “Superwoman Strong” KB / BW Workout

*start with –

3 rounds of the circuit below. No rest between exercises; rest approx 60 seconds between rounds:

– KB / DB step ups – 8 per side
– Box jumps OR squat jumps – 8

*rest 60-90 seconds, then do –

3 rounds of the circuit below. No rest between exercises; rest approx 60 seconds between rounds:

– KB / DB walking lunge – 8 per side
– Broad jump burpees – 8

*rest 60-90 seconds, then do –

3 rounds of the circuit below. No rest between exercises; rest approx 60 seconds between rounds:

– Hand-to-hand KB Swings – 16 (8 per side)
– Skater hops – 16 (8 per side)

*rest 60-90 seconds, then finish with –

30 seconds work each exercise. 5 seconds rest between moves. No rest between rounds. Do the complete circuit 2 times thru:

– hanging leg raise – 30 seconds
– Turkish get up (R) – 30 seconds
– Turkish get up (L) – 30 seconds


The Superwoman Strong – 8 Week Challenge is, quite simply, for WOMEN who want to become STRONGER!

My friend and colleague Sarai White will be leading the way.

Sarai owns a gym here in the Sacramento, CA area. We have worked together a lot over the last few years, and I consider her a good friend of mine.

After she got 6th overall in a recent Tactical Strength Challenge – Elite Woman’s Division, I started thinking about how there is a real need for women to step up and lead other women to STRENGTH – in their workouts and in their life!

So I approached her about partnering on this project, and she was all about it.

We are going to roll it out as a “beta-test”, and we’ll be looking for 25 folks to get in on this 8 week program.

It includes:

– Workouts – designed by a women, for women – based on YOUR needs and goals
– Meal plans – designed by a women, for women – based on YOUR needs and goals
– Coaching and motivation – from both Sarai and myself – during the 8 weeks

You can do this anywhere in the world.

All you need is your own bodyweight, and either a couple of sets of dumbbells OR a couple of kettlebells (recommended weights = 15lb – 25lb + 25lb – 45lb DBs, OR 8k-12k + 12k-20k KBs) .

This is EVERYthing you need to get in the best shape of your life!

And it starts Jan 1st.

But the only catch is, registration closes this Friday the 22nd of Dec, OR when we hit 25 sign ups – whichever comes first.

SO if you want IN, please fill out the short application form below, and we’ll get back to you ASAP:

Superwoman Strong – 8 Week Challenge (click here to apply now)

If you feel like guy trainers don’t “get” what women really want when it comes to strength – this is for you.

If you struggle with getting DONE – this is for you – because Sarai and I will be there every step of the way to help and motivate you.

Let’s to this, together!

– Forest and Sarai

What is “Anabolic Stretching”? (part 2 – advanced tips)

Confession – I do not like stretching.

Yet, it’s a necessary component to perform and look your best.

But the problem is – because I think a lot of guys feel the same way that I do 😉 – it gets brushed off.

What if I told you that stretching – specifically ANABOLIC stretching – can dramatically speed up muscle growth, strength, and recovery?

THEN would you be interested in taking the time to do it?

Peter Tzemis goes into the science behind the program, the long list of benefits, etc in the full program … but for now, I just want to express to you 1) the IMPORTANCE of stretching if you want to get great results, and 2) share another stretching sequence from the program, like I said I would yesterday.


What IS Anabolic Stretching

We went over this concept in yesterday’s article – but I’ll do a quick recap.

In a nutshell, the idea behind the method is to hold a moderate weight in the fully stretched position of an exercise – hanging at the bottom of a pull up from a bar, for example – for anywhere from 30 to 60 seconds.

So you would lower the weight (or your bodyweight in the pull up example), slowly, until you reach a position where the target muscle is stretched.

When you reach that position, hold it. Fatigue will cause a deeper stretch.

Aim for a total time of 3-5 minutes, broken into sets of 30-60 seconds each, under load.covered what is actually is, and a simple example routine of how to do it.

Now that is the basic, or “beginner” way to do Anabolic Stretching. If you are going to give it a try, this is how you would get started.

If you want to take it to the next level, you can try the “advanced” version:


Anabolic Stretching – Advanced

First, do a set to failure in an ultra-high rep range (15+ reps).

Then immediately after, let the weight stretch that pumped muscle for 30-60 seconds, or until you can no longer tolerate the pain.

You MUST take your set to absolute failure before you execute the anabolic stretch. This means that you can’t complete another rep.

ALSO – be sure to clean form and proper technique. You will be tired but make sure you do not to compensate your joint positioning during the stretch phase. Especially with weight, this could put you in a position for injury.

Drop the weights if form starts to go. If need be, you could even lower the weights used for the stretch.

Hold the stretch for as long as possible.


Sample ADVANCED Anabolic Stretching Protocol – BACK

— do 8+ Pull ups with or without weight
— on the last rep, do NOT let go of the bar – hold at bottom position as long as possible
— rest 2-3 mins; repeat for 2-3 sets total


The full Anabolic Stretching program gives you detailed backgroud on the method, the science behind it, beginner, intermediate, and advanced protcols for each body part, and lots of bonus materials.

It’s 9 bux this week – WELL worth picking up if you want to experiment with adding this method into your routine:

Anabolic Stretching


I hope that today’s article has got you fired up to try incorporating Anabolic Stretching into your routine.

I think that when you see the results, there will be no turning back.

To your success –

– Forest Vance
Master of Science, Human Movement
Certified Corrective Exercise Specialist

What is “Anabolic Stretching”? (part 1)

Yesterday we talked aoubut a method called Anabolic Stretching, that olympic gymnasts use to get their jaw dropping physiques, combined with superhuman strength, size, and flexibility.

It is the perfect compliment to your kettlebell workouts, to help you get better and faster results.

Well today, I wanted to follow up with some details on what Anabolic Stretching actually IS.

Now I will say – if you truly want to try this method and benefit the most from it, I recommend you pick up a copy of the full program, here …

But in a nutshell, the idea is to hold a moderate weight in the fully stretched position of an exercise for anywhere from 30 to 60 seconds.

So you would lower the weight, slowly, until you reach a position where the target muscle is stretched.

When you reach that position, hold it. Fatigue will cause a deeper stretch.

Aim for a total time of 3-5 minutes, broken into sets of 30-60 seconds each, under load.

Here is example of the Anabolic Stretching method, done for the muscles in the back:

— stretch = Hang From Pull Up Bar Wide Grip (Weighted Optional)
— hold = 30-60s
— rest = 30-60s
— sets = 3-5

Now again, this is a very simple example. The full program gives you detailed backgroud on the method, the science behind it, beginner, intermediate, and advanced protcols for each body part, and lots of bonus materials.

It’s 9 bux this week – WELL worth picking up if you want to experiment with adding this method into your routine:

Anabolic Stretching program

Well there you have some details on what Anabolic Stretching is, how it works, and a simple sample protocol.

I’ll be back with more info on the method and another sample protocol soon.

Keep training hard! –

– Forest Vance
Master of Science, Human Movement
Certified Corrective Exercise Specialist

Single Arm Kettlebell Swing Form – Shoulder Packing Drill

A really common mistake folks make during kettlebell swings – particularly the single arm version – is letting the shoulder “disconnect” …

… and this “shoulder packing” drill is a great fix!

Grab a partner, lie on your back on the ground, and lock hands (watch the video to learn the best grip to take for this).

Relax your shoulder, and have your partner give a couple gentle tugs. You are going to feel your shoulder “separate” from your body, as in the video.

Then, “lock in” your shoulder. Tense up all the muscles in that area of your body, set your shoulder down and back into perfect posture, and hold it there. Have your partner try to lift you off the ground. If you do this right, your shoulder and upper body will be “connected”, and all will move as one unit, as in the video.

LOCKING IN and PACKING your shoulder – as you just learned how to do in this drill – is exactly what you should be doing during the single arm kettlebell swing.

Incorporate this drill into your program for safer and more effective one arm kettlebell swings!


“No Guts No Glory” – 7 KB Challenge Workouts from Forest (free):
