*The first week of 28 Day KB Shred workouts goes out tomorrow. We are down to ~10 spots. Details and how to register copied at the bottom of this message.
2018 is almost here!
It’s time to get back to the regular swing of your KB workouts (no pun intended)
But here is a message I got from an email subscriber yesterday:
“I love your kettlebell workouts … I keep looking at this (28 Day KB Shred) challenge and am somewhat interested … but I’m just not sure. Maybe I’ll just look at your email workouts.”
And I totally understand where this reader is coming from. She is right to be skeptical. She’s probably tried other things in the past that may not have worked as well as she would have liked. So why trust in this one?
Here are two great reasons:
1 – I have worked with literally thousands of folks using kettlebells to change their fitness and change their lives. Look at our main website at ForestVanceTraining.com, our Yelp reviews, our Google reviews, our Facebook page, etc to see all of our success stories. Look at my blog at ForestVance.com to see the hundreds and hundreds of articles and videos that I have produced on kettlebell training, and just to get to know me and my philosophy. I am the real deal!
2 – In the long run, having an organized, progressive program … that is designed to get you from where you are now, to where you want to be … having rhyme and reason to why you are doing certain workouts on certain days … having me there for coaching, accountability, and feedback any time you want … is going to get you much better results in the long run, than doing random, one-off workouts.
Here is a SAMPLE workout from the 28 Day KB Shred program, just to give you an idea of what the workouts are like “on the other side” (keeping in mind everything I just said in point 2 above):
28 Day KB Shred – Sample Workout
PART 1 – Get as many rounds as you can in 10 minutes of:
1 arm KB swings – 6 reps per side
burpees – 6
KB goblet squats – 9
PART 2 – Set your timer for 60 seconds. Do as many reps as you can of each exercise in 60 seconds. Rest for 15 seconds between exercises. Rest for 60 seconds between circuits:
squat jumps
inverted rows OR 1 arm kettlebell rows
push ups
bodyweight squats
mountain climbers
In the full program, I do want you to know that:
– I provide video demos for each move, so that you know how to do them properly
– I give you recommended weights to use for the KB exercises
– You can post videos of you doing exercises for me to review and give you feedback on form
But, hopefully this sample workout gives you a good idea of what to expect.
Let’s get 2018 off to a record start, together! –
– Forest Vance
KB Shred – 28 Day Challenge
If you’re frustrated with the results you’re getting from your current training program …
If you’re ready to take things to the next level …
My 28 Day KB Challenge could be EXACTLY what you need to make it happen!
But it’s NOT for everyone …
First requirement is that you need to have a kettlebell or two to do the workouts. You don’t need 5 or 10 or 20 or anything like that – but you do need one or two, ideally a 8k or 12k and a 16k or 20k for women, and a 12k or 16k and a 20k or 24k for men.
Second, you need to be able to commit the time to do the workouts. Three to four times per week, 20-30 minutes is what you’ll need.
Third, we have a complete meal planning guide we give to you when you sign up that tells you exactly how and what to eat – you need to be able to commit to following that for at least the 28 days, to really get the best results.
And finally, you need to be SERIOUS about making a change, and be willing to come into the Challenge and the group with a positive, can-do attitude.
If you meet the requirements, here is the link for more details, and to lock in your spot:
=> http://bit.ly/kbshredjan2018
Space is limited to 1st 30 to sign ups (17 pre-filled by existing group coaching clients) – we are down to ~10 remaining spots as I write this.
Look forward to helping you take your fitness to the next level in 2018!