I always keep an eye out for people who get awesome fitness results using kettlebells.
So I recently ran across an article in Shape magazine online (of all places) on Vanessa Hudgens, and how she trained to get in shape for a movie she was in a few years back called Sucker Punch.
According to the article, she relied heavily on – you guess it! – KETTLEBELLS, to get her into top shape.
And she wasn’t afraid to lift heavy either. The article said that she deadlifted 180 lbs.
Here are the big take-aways that you can apply to YOUR training:
– Vanessa lifted heavy, and got pretty strong! – and she did NOT “bulk up”. Ladies, if you want to transform your body, and get that lean look – do the same!
– Train using basic, compount movements that stimulate muscle gain, and burn a ton of calories at the same time. Vanessa did moves like squats, pull ups, deadlifts, push ups, box jumps, etc.
– Get with an expert trainer to help program your workouts, hold you accountable, and give you coaching and feedback on your form.
*We have a few spots left in our 28 Day – KB Shred Challenge. It kicks off today officially, but if you apply asap – and it’s a good fit for both of us – we can still get you in. Details and apply at the link below:
Take these tips, get after it, and let’s make it a great week! –
– Forest Vance
Master of Science, Human Movement
Certified Kettlebell Instructor