20 min “FSK” Kettlebell Workout (upper body + core)

Kettlebells are the ultimate “handheld gym”.

With just a single KB, you can go in your garage, or your back yard, or your living room for that matter … and get a total-body workout in around 20 minutes.

Take today’s FSK Kettlebell Workout from my friend Mike Zhang for example:


FSK Kettlebell Workout (upper body + core)

1 – Clean and Press + Burpee

7 Reps/Side (clean and press) + 10 Reps (burpee)
3 Sets

2 – Double Arm Swing

12 Reps
3 Sets

4 – Renegade Row

8 Reps/Side
3 Sets

5 – Plank

30 Secs
4 Sets


Jam through that workout in about 20 minutes – you’ll see, it’s no joke!

Want the full 6 week program?

Well, for the next couple of days, you can actually get FSK 12 Kettlebell free.

You see, my friend Mike Zhang has his new “4 minute kickboxer abs” program up on sale this week.

And when you get it through my link:


He has given me the green light to include his “FSK 12 Kettlebell” – 6 week program FREE.

All you have to do is order through the link above (we will send out the bonus this coming Monday to all who order through my link).


KBs are the best portable “gym” around. Try today’s sample workout and you’ll see what I mean!

To your continued success –

– Forest Vance, Certified Kettlebell Instructor, ForestVance.com

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