How to Stay Motivated During the Lockdown (my daily routine)

Working from home for a couple of weeks, as a lot of us originally thought this whole thing might go, is one thing…

…being ordered to stay at home for weeks upon weeks, with no real end in sight, is another thing entirely.

For me, it’s becoming very challenging.

Staying motivated and positive – something I normally have to make no special effort to do – is, quite frankly, becoming something I’m actively having to work on, daily.

I am doing one thing that is helping a LOT, so I thought I would share it with you, maybe you will find it helpful too.

See, years ago, I started a short morning reflection routine. I learned about it reading the Autobiography of Ben Franklin. It’s something he used to do, and so I started doing it too.

First, I write down one great thing about the day before. Then, I write down another thing that I think could be improved.

Cool thing is, you start noticing patterns when you do this regularly. You can see things that you’re doing well at, and other areas of life that you can work on improving.

Something I’m noticing as a re-curring theme is that if I have a routine, and stick to it as best as I can, my day goes much better. I am able to much more easily keep a positive mindset.

This is what my daily “checklist” looks like.

(Obviously yours will be different – but the idea is, write down everything that’s important to you in your life. What your priorities are. That’s how you spend your time. And you plan your day around it!)

  • Get my morning movement – 5 to 10 minute stretch / core work
  • Get my morning positive reading time
  • Get my morning reflection /prayer time
  • Have a (semi) structured work schedule for each day – write, shoot videos, work with remote coaching clients, run/manage ad campaigns, follow up with potential new clients, communicate with staff members, admin to keep the business going
  • Block off time for helping with home learning and just playing with the kiddos
  • Block off time for spending with my wife
  • Block off time for connecting – Facetime, calling, text, however I can for now – with family and friends
  • Block off time for my own personal workouts, outdoors if possible
  • Block off time for just relaxing and chilling out

If I hit everything on this list, and keep my regular daily routine as best as I can, I can keep my sanity, keep pressing ahead, and see the light at the end of the tunnel!

Stay postive, stay safe, hang in there –

-Forest Vance

PS – Last call to join the 28-day “500” Kettlebell Challenge. We’ll give you the workouts and the nutrition, PLUS the daily motivation and accountability to stay on track. Click here for details and to sign up =>

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