If you’ve mastered the kettlebell swing and want to take things to the next level.. if you want a variation to mix up your workouts, but stay true to your programming… the sidestep swing is a great option!
Again – I’m assuming with this one that you have the basic swing down. That’s first.
– “Load up” like you’re getting ready for a standard swing – Hike the ‘bell back, and swing it up
– When the KB is floating in the air, take a quick step to the side first with your trail foot, then with your back foot
– Repeat for desired number of reps.
Nice variation, nice dynamic movement, adds some athleticism to your workout, and it’s harder than a regular swing too.
Keep training hard, and talk soon –
– Forest
PS – Get one week of my “300” Kettlebell Challenge workouts – 100% free:
You’ll unleash your inner warrior and build a Spartan body, in about 20 minutes with a single kettlebell.
Enter your name and best email address below for instant access: https://bit.ly/300kbchallengesample
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