One of the first kettlebell workouts I ever did was pretty similar to the one that I’m going to share with you today.
It’s what got me hooked on kettlebells in the first place!
See because, up until that point in time, I had done more traditional type strength training… and then I did separate condition things, like hill sprints or up downs or bear crawls…
But it had never really occurred to me to mix TOGETHER the two different modalities.
What happened was this:
My training partner at the time and I got this little 35 pound kettlebell, and we did a metabolic conditioning-style work out where we mixed together the kettlebell and some bodyweight movements into a giant circuit.
Nothing fancy.
BUT, it was a completely different type of challenge than I had ever experienced before!
I remember being SO SMOKED – in a good way!
That was 12 years ago, but it’s had A big impact and inspiration on how I put together workouts today.
Because I know that people I work with now want workouts are going to help them rapidly build strength, lose fat and improve performance…
…and I know they want to be able to do it at home, with a couple of kettlebells, in 20 to 30 minutes per day.
So check out this “Dirty 30’s” Kettlebell Workout. Hope you like it. And stay tuned, because there’s more where this came from coming your way, all this week.
-Forest Vance
“Dirty 30’s” KB Challenge Workout
Complete the list of exercises below as fast as possible one (beginner) to three (intermediate / advanced) times total. Rest as needed, but you must complete all reps of one exercise before moving on to the next one on the list:
30 two hand KB swings
30 push ups
30 walking lunges (15 per side) – OPTIONAL hold KB in goblet position
30 staggered-stance one arm KB rows (15 per side)
30 jumping jacks
30 one hand KB swings (15 per side)
30 plank shoulder taps (15 per side)
30 side lunges (15 per side) – OPTIONAL pass KB between legs each rep
30 close-stance one arm KB rows (15 per side)
30 high knees