In today’s video, I show you how to cardio with your kettlebell in a way that you probably never thought of!
*The backpack I am using in the video you can get free at this link, just pay shipping ->
I got turned on to the rucking thing a couple of years ago, because I was looking for a way to get a similar workout to running, without the impact.
In basic terms, rucking is just where you throw some weight in your backpack, and go for a walk.
Here are a few additional tips:
- Walk fast and with a purpose. You want to get your heart rate up to around 50-70% of max.
- Not required, but try to see if you can find some uneven / hilly terrain to ruck.
- Start with 20 pounds or so, work up to 50+.
- Start with 30 mins, work up to 60+.
A kettlebell turns out to be a great weight to do this with. As an added bonus, you can take it out at some point during the workout, do some KB moves, do some bodyweight exercises, and then finish off by rucking back to where you started.
The backpack I am using in the video you can get free at this link, you just pay shipping ->
I use mine all the time, for KB rucking workouts like the one I break down in today’s video, and much more!
To sum up, if you are looking for an effective and challenging way to crank up your cardio routine, try this kettlebell ruck workout.
-Forest and the FVT Team at