Kettlebell GAINZ is the definitive guide to gaining strength and muscle with kettlebells – while staying lean, athletic, and in great condition, at the same time!
-> Kettlebell GAINZ – 6-Week Kettlebell Program for Strength + Muscle
People got some amazing results in our “beta” group, gaining up to 133% on their strength and adding up to 5.5 pounds of muscle in six weeks! Click here to learn more.
Here’s how it works:
— First thing to complete on signing up is the Kettlebell GAINZ baseline fitness testing. This is a series of simple kettlebell and bodyweight – based fitness “tests” you’ll take both at the beginning and end of the 6 week program. It’s a SPECIFIC and QUANTIFIABLE way to measure your progress!
— The Kettlebell GAINZ training plan is broken into weekly “lessons”. Each week builds on the previous, so you’ll consistently challenge yourself, and make measurable progress, throughout the program.
— This is one of – if not THE – most detailed training plan I’ve ever put together. In working with tens of thousands of customers and clients online over the last six years, I’ve learned what works – and what doesn’t! – when it comes to the most effective way to program and coach kettlebell workouts on the internet.
— For every kettlebell move in the program, I link to a video breaking how to do the exercise – so that you’ll know how to complete every move, with perfect form.
— This is a COMPLETE training plan – so in addition to the three-times-per-week kettlebell workouts, you also get a daily mobility routine, dynamic warm ups, HIIT routines to perform 2-3x per week to get even faster results, and MUCH more.
You’ll also get the “Athletic GAINZ” diet plan – the eating approach I personally have adopted – as well as my top clients have adopted as well – to achieve next-level fitness results … AND a copy of my “Kettlebell Training Basics” package – 18 ADDITIONAL weeks of kettlebell workouts – so that you will have workouts to use moving forward after the initial six week training is over.
So if you are looking to get strong, fast … while staying in top shape at the SAME TIME … Kettlebell GAINZ is for you:
-Forest Vance
Master of Science, Human Movement
Certified Kettlebell Instructor
Owner, FVT Personal Training