Exciting news:
Registration opens tomorrow for our 28-day “Summer Shred” Kettlebell AMRAP Challenge!
You will discover how to lose up to 4% of your bodyweight over the next four weeks, even if you are short on time to train, and hate to diet.
I’ll be giving you the step-by-step kettlebell workouts AND the easy-to-follow meal plan to get the results. More details coming tomorrow.
For now, check out this sample workout from the program:
10-min “Summer Shred” KB AMRAP Workout
Do as many rounds as possible in 10 minutes of:
- 3 burpees
- 5 pull ups OR 15 recline rows OR combo (use same 3:1 ratio)
- 5 single arm KB “thruster” (squat to overhead press) per side
That’s just a quick-hitting workout to get you going. The full workouts in the program have a total-body warm up, a couple of short “AMRAP” (as many rounds as possible) – style sequences like this, a short finisher.
Around 20 to 30 minutes of work, and you’re good to go for the day! That’s the beauty of this training style.
You can do it with just a couple of kettlebells, any time, any place.
Plus, I will give you the exact diet plan to follow to see your body change over the next 28 days.
But we kick of Monday, July 5th, so if you’re interested, you’ll want to sign up right away when registration opens.
Look forward to working with you!
-Forest Vance
Kettlebell Expert
Over 40 Training Specialist