“Rucking” is simply walking with weight.
More and more it’s my go-to steady state cardio choice, because:
- You burn up to 3x more calories than walking
- It’s easier on your body and less impact than running
- It adds resistance training to your back, shoulders, glutes, and legs
It’s the perfect compliment to your kettlebell training, because no matter how popular HIIT gets, I am a firm believer that we also need some lower-intensity, base-building, heart-strengthing steady state cardio as part of our fitness program as well.
Ready to give it a try? Here’s how:
Start by loading up your backpack with 20-30 pounds (depending on your goals, you’ll probably want to work to increase the amount of weight you’re carrying over time).
March at a pace quicker than a stroll, with purpose! Your goal is to get your heart rate into that Zone 2 range (220 – your age x .60-.70) for 30-60 minutes.
If possible, though not required, choose a route with some hills / uneven terrain.
If this whole rucking thing is new to you, be sure to pack your bag right. You don’t want whatever you are carrying to hammer against your back. If you’re carrying a kettlebell or any other kind of hard object, you’ll want to swaddle it / them in a towel etc before putting in your ruck. Otherwise it can get VERY uncomfortable over time.
Oh ya – that free tactical backpack I mentioned yesterday? I do a workout like this about once per week, and that free backpack has been my go-to rucksack for the last few months – highly recommended:
-> free tactical backpack offer

To your success!
-Forest Vance
Kettlebell Expert
Over 40 Training Specialist