MYTH: “Functional training – with implements like kettlebells! – provides all the core training you need!”
FACT: Building a strong, functional, good-looking midsection requires dedicated ab/core training.
I’ll admit it – I used to believe doing things like KB squats and swings was all I needed to build the strong and aesthetic abs. While this might *technically* be true, and I’m sure we all know some genetic outlier who does no ab training, eats fast food regularly, and still has a six-pack… these people are the exception to the rule.
Regular people like you and me who want strong, tight abs can GREATLY benefit from regularly adding workouts like this to their routines:
“Advanced Home Abdominal Workout” – Day 1 – Workout A – Triset #3
-> Get 12 more weeks of advanced ab workouts to add to your kettlebell training here <-
1 – Spiderman Pushups – 8 reps per side
*No rest*
2 – Stability Ball 1-Leg Jackknife – 6 reps per side
*No rest*
3 – Stability Ball Rollout – 10 reps
Rest 1 minute; repeat 1 more time for a total of 2 “trisets”
If you liked this ab workout, Get 12 more weeks of advanced ab workouts here – these are perfect for adding on to your current kettlebell training program!
Here’s to getting that six-pack you’ve always wanted –
-Forest Vance, Kettlebell Expert, Over 40 Training Specialist, KettlebellBasics.net