Flexibility should be at the TOP of your fitness priority list as you age!
If you are looking for a simple, quick, and effective program to get started, check out my all new 30-day Flexibility Challenge.
Today’s video is a free sample “workout” from the course. In the full program, you’ll get a video like this to follow every day for 30 days, so that you can:
- Get a generally more youthful appearance
- Improve your posture and look slimmer
- Improve overall muscular performance
- Decrease pain – Improve balance
- Decrease injury risk
- Improve performance in your chosen sport and every day activities
Details and order now by clicking the link below:
-> 30-day Flexibility Challenge with Forest Vance
-Forest Vance, Master of Science in Human Movement, Certified Corrective Exercise Specialist, Certified Sport Yoga Instructor