As we age, our bodies change and we have to adapt our workout routines accordingly.
What worked when we were in our 20s and 30s isn’t necessarily going to cut it when we’re over 40!
This can be a challenge, but it’s not impossible.
One thing that can help you make the fastest progress in the shortest (and least painful) amount of time is having an expertly designed kettlebell training plan.
Just think about how much progress you could make if I designed a workout specifically for you, and you started really paying attention to the kind of detail in Jim’s sample workout below:
KB Fit Over 40 – Sample Workout – “Jim”
- 46
- Primary goal is 15 lbs of fat loss over the next 90 days
- Jim has a nagging shoulder injury, so we’re going easy on the overhead work
- Jim also plays basketball two days per week for a couple of hours, works around 50 hours per week, and has two kids in middle/high school – so his time is limited
- We have this full-body KB workout plus two more like it designed for him each week, along with two bonus HIIT sessions
- He does the workout exactly as written each day, logs his progress in my app, and then I take a look / give comments / hold him accountable to getting it done
- We tweak / modify / give feedback regularly and guide him to the results he’s looking for
(warm up)
10 KB deadlifts
10 two hand swings
5 one hand swings per side
(main workout)
7 per side, 14 total – on the minute, every minute, for 5 minutes
WEEK 2 – add one rep 1st two sets
WEEK 3 – add one rep to 1st four sets
WEEK 4 – do all sets 8/8
Push ups – :30
Tactical lunges with kettlebell – :60
Do 3 rounds total
Every minute, on the minute, for 6 minutes, do:
(minute 1,3,5)
1 burpee
1 KB clean and squat – right
1 burpee
1 KB clean and squat – left
1 burpee
1 KB clean and squat – right
(minute 2,4,6)
1 burpee
1 KB clean and squat – left
1 burpee
1 KB clean and squat – right
1 burpee
1 KB clean and squat – left
Now that you’ve seen a sample workout, do you want to get in one of the available “KB Fit Over 40” spots I have open this week? Watch the video, then fill out the short application at the link below.
Train hard, talk soon! –
-Forest Vance
Master of Science, Human Movement
Certified Kettlebell Instructor
Certified Personal Trainer
Over 40 Training Specailist